큰서각-[정명] Stapelia gigantea N.E.Br.식물/들꽃-Asclepiadaceae과 2024. 10. 14. 20:26
과명 앵글러- Asclepiadaceae (박주가리과) 속명 Stapelia (스타펠리아속) 전체학명 [정명] Stapelia gigantea N.E.Br. 추천명 큰서각 Origin and Habitat: Southern Africa, Zambia
Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Giant Toad Plant, Giant Zulu, Star Fish Flower, Carrion Flower
RUSSIAN (Русский): Стапелия гигантскаяDescription: S. gigantea is a stem succulent that resembles a cactus; the branches are velvety, spineless, quadrangular in cross-section and determinate, ceasing growth when about 10 to 30 cm tall, may form big clumps up to1 m in spread.
Blooming Time: October. The inflorescence arises near the base of a branch; on this plant the inflorescence had two buds with scale-like leaves at the base of the petioles. When this flower opened., the second bud was aborted. Flowers are extremely large, soft and pulpy to the touch, star-shaped and give off a pestilent smell that attracts flies that ensure the successful pollination of this species.
The flowers have a leathery texture mimic the rotting flesh of a dead animal (like meat and fat rotting in the hot sun) and vary from pale yellow to reddish brown with an elaborate pattern of dark reddish stripes. They remember drying flesh peeling back from the bone and also fringes of soft white hairs on the corolla segments superficially resemble a layer of mold growing on rotting matter.Stapelia gigantea (llifle.com)
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