
  • Orbea rogersii (L. Bolus) Bruyns
    식물/들꽃-Asclepiadaceae과 2024. 10. 15. 10:37

    국표에 없다.

    Origin and Habitat: Botswana (and Zimbabwe?).
    Habitat and ecology: Orbea rogersiiSN|29220]]SN|29220]] grows in varying soils, in grasslands, among sparse trees.

    Description: Orbea rogersiiSN|29220]]SN|29220]] (L. Bolus) Bruyns was at first regarded as a Stapelia but its characters, taken together, seem to place it better in Orbea or Caralluma. It is, however, rather an anomalous form which has no close relatives. It is a dwarf soft stemmed succulent quite widespread in cultivation for the attractive and often very numerous bright yellow flowers with clavate and vibratile hairs which form a fringe in the centre of the corolla. These hairs hardly remain still and move in the slightest breeze, possibly attracting insects. In age forms big clumps or mats of vegetation.
    Stems: Erect or ascending, and branching from the base to 10 cm long and 8 mm wide, sides grooved; Tubercles subulate, very acute, ascending or horizontally spreading.
    Inflorescences: 3 - 4 per stem, several-flowered. Peduncle 13-15 mm long. Sepals 3 - 4 mm long. Corolla 30-35 mm in diameter pale yellow, flat, deeply incised, united part 5.6 mm in diameter. Corolla lobes up to 14 mm long and less than 4 mm wide linear, acute, bent inwards or ascending, margins in the upper part revolute, onside basally ciliate, club-shaped. Hairs transparent 1.7 mm long directed inwards. Corona yellowish ca. 3.5 mm in diameter, margins purple. Outer and inner coronal lobes only basally shortly united. Inner corona lobes about 2 mm long rectangular, inside with longitudinal groove, apically toothed, basally spreading horizontally, apically bent upwards. Outer corona lobes broadly triangular when seen from above, divided into 2 filiform appendages to the base, apical appendage 5. 7 mm erect ascending over the style head and intertwined, basal appendage 5 5 mm, filiform, erect, inter-twined with itself.


    Orbea rogersii (llifle.com)




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