
  • Tillandsia erubescens H.Wendl.
    식물/들꽃-파인애플과(Bromeliaceae) 2024. 9. 23. 17:16

    국표에 없다.

    Common Names include:
    ENGLISH: Blushing Bride, Silver urn, Sky plant, Ionantha air plant, Air Plant, Airplant
    KOREAN (한국어): 틸란드시아 이오난사
    PERSIAN (فارسی): تیلاندزیا ایونانتا
    SPANISH (Español): Gallito, Tenchito
    SWEDISH (Svenska): Nåltillandsia


    Description: Tillandsia ionantha, commonly known as the Blushing Bride, is a small and interesting evergreen epiphyte with compact rosettes of silvery arching leaves reminiscent of a pineapple top. Normally grey-green, the leaves in the centre of the plant will turn bright red when it blooms in order to attract hummingbirds to pollinate it. Often the entire plant turns complete red when it blooms just preceding the appearance of the violet flower clusters. This plant grows to 8 to 12 cm in height and usually forms dense masses.
    Remarks: Tillandsia ionantha is one of the most attractive of the smaller species and is probably the one leading in popularity and a large amount of clones, hybrids, and cultivars have been created all with their own unique characteristics.
    Stems: It most commonly grows as a stemless plant or rarely caulescent
    Leaves: 30-40 forming a tight rosette, simple, linear, narrowly triangular, subulate-attenuate, entire and sessile, with arching tips, (2.5-)5 -10(-15) cm long (rarely over 6 cm long), to 5 mm wide, sheaths elliptic, about half as long as the blade. Covered with coarse, silvery-grey scales that both store water until it can be absorbed and act to reflect intense sunlight from the leaf surface, thereby preventing excessive water loss through transpiration. The outer leaves are green and the inner leaves are deep red at the time of flowering.
    Inflorescenes: Tillandsia ionanthaSN|29443]]SN|29443]] inflorescences are sessile or produced on a very short scape protruding from the centre of the rosette from March to May. The inflorescence is a simple abbreviated spike with polystichous flowers but actually a reduced panicle with the axes aborted and the spikes reduced to a single flower each; primary bracts lanceovate, acute, equaling or exceeding the sepals, membranaceous, lepidote toward apex. Floral bracts like the primary bracts but shorter than the sepals.
    Flowers: Long-tubular purple-violet. Sepals lanceolate, acute, 16 mm long, membranaceous, free, the posterior carinate, shortly united at base. Petals erect, over 4 cm long, violet, the claw linear, the blade broadly elliptic, subacute. The yellow stamens and pistil protrude from the end.
    Fruits: The fruit is a subcylindric, acute, septicidal capsule about 3 cm in length containing the seeds, each having a feathered tuft of hairs.
    Taxonomic Notes: Two varieties are recognized: Tillandsia ionanthaSN|29443]]SN|29443]] var. ionantha (most of species range ) and Tillandsia ionanthaSN|29443]]SN|29443]] var. stricta (Oaxaca, Mexico). This species is considered to be fairly morphologically uniform across its range compare to more variable Tillandsia spp. such as Tillandsia recurvata. It is one of the atmospheric species with the lowest trichome cover and lacks a water storing tank.

    Tillandsia erubescens (llifle.com)


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