중국칠엽수-Aesculus chinensis Bunge식물/들꽃-칠엽수과(Hippocastanaceae) 2024. 8. 1. 19:35
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국명 [중국칠엽수]는 없다.
중국칠엽수를 검색하면
Aesculus chinensis로
잎이 지는 큰키나무로 손바닥 모양의 잎은 5-7개로 갈라진다. 여름철 수술이 튀어나온 흰색 꽃이 약 30cm 크기의 원뿔 모양 꽃차례에 달리고, 이어서 지름 2.5cm 정도의 껍질이 거친 둥근 열매가 달린다.
[플가] 중국칠엽수 Aesculus chinensis (plusgarden.com)
Aesculus chinensis를 검색하면
Aesculus chinensis, the Chinese horse chestnut or Chinese buckeye (Chinese: 七叶树; pinyin: qi ye shu), is a deciduous temperate tree species in the genus Aesculus found across China. It was first successfully introduced to Britain in 1912 by plant collector William Purdom, who collected six young plants from the grounds of a temple in the western hills of Beijing, and brought them back to Veitch's Nursery in Coombe Hill near London. Purdom's correspondence regarding this event are held in the archives of the Arnold Arboretum. One plant was sent to the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew and two to the Arnold Arboretum in Boston. The original tree at Kew no longer exists but a young tree grafted from the original now grows in the Rhododendron Dell.
As a mature tree Aesculus chinensis can grow up to 80–90 ft or 25m tall. Its palmate mid green leaves have 5-7 leaflets, usually glabrous beneath.
It produces large white upright panicles of flowers from May to June. These are followed by round smooth fruit capsules, which contain 1 to 2 dark brown seeds.
The seed contains triterpenoid saponins and flavonoids, such as aescuflavoside and aescuflavoside A, which are glycosides of quercetin. Research has been conducted into the anti-inflammatory potential of the four main saponins contained within the seeds.
Aesculus chinensis - Wikipedia
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