Selaginella arenicola Underw.식물/들꽃-부처손과(Selaginellaceae) 2023. 5. 27. 12:29
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Selaginella arenicola is a genus that includes several species of herbaceous plants. They are considered small ferns, partly because of their distant kinship, partly because of their physical resemblance. They are often grown in greenhouses. In Italy there are three species: two typical of northern reasons and one of Mediterranean ones.
Selaginella arenicola - PictureThis (picturethisai.com)
InformationPlants terrestrial, less often on rock, forming close clumps. Stems radially symmetric, underground (rhizomatous) and aerial, not readily fragmenting, irregularly forked; rhizomatous and aerial stems often with 1 branch arrested, budlike, tips straight; rhizomatous stems with budlike branches, these sometimes inconspicuous; aerial stems erect or ascending, lateral branches conspicuously determinate. Rhizophores borne on upperside of stems, restricted to rhizomatous stems or lowermost base of aerial stems (seldom on distal 2/3, if so, short), mostly aerial, 0.25--0.43 mm diam. Leaves monomorphic, in pseudowhorls of 4 or 5, tightly appressed, ascending, green, narrowly triangular-lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, 2--3.25 X 0.4--0.6(--0.7) mm; abaxial ridges present; base rounded to cuneate, slightly decurrent to adnate, pubescent; margins ciliate, cilia transparent, spreading at base, dentiform, ascending toward apex, 0.02--0.1 mm; apex plane, attenuate or seldom slightly keeled; bristle white or whitish to transparent, sometimes with brownish to reddish band at base marking breaking point (in old leaves), straight, puberulent, (0.35--)0.5--1.4 mm. Strobili solitary, (0.5--)1--3(--3.5) cm; sporophylls ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, abaxial ridges not prominent, base pubescent, margins ciliate, apex bristled.Selaginella arenicola in Global Plants on JSTOR
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