Phytolacca rugosa A.Braun & C.D.Bouché식물/들꽃-자리공과(Phytolaccaceae) 2022. 12. 23. 12:44
국표에 없다.
- Index Seminum (B, Berolinensis) 1851(App.): 13 (1851)
This name is reported by Caryophyllales as an accepted name in the genus Phytolacca (family Phytolaccaceae).
The record derives from WCSP (in review) which reports it as an accepted name
Phytolacca rugosa A. Braun & C.D. Bouché, Index Sem. (Berlin) 1851: 13. 1852.
Plantas 0.51 m de alto. Hojas 514 cm de largo y 1.55 cm de ancho, acuminadas a atenuadas en el ápice y en la base. Racimos 510 cm de largo, ejes pubescentes, pedicelos 35 mm de largo; sépalos rojo-morados, 1.72.7 mm de largo; estambres 612, en 1 verticilo; ovario con 68 carpelos parcialmente connados.
Poco común, en nebliselvas, en la zona norcentral y Volcán Mombacho; 12501750 m; fl y fr durante todo el año; Moreno 512, Sandino 1581; México al norte de Sudamérica.
- Provided by: [E].Flora de Nicaragua
Woody herbs up to 2 2 m. tall, the glabrous branches erect and angled. Leaves lanceolate-elliptic, the apex acuminate, the base attenuate, 2-5 cm. broad, 4-14 cm. long. Racemes suberect, terminal or extra-axillary, 4-15 cm. long, the flowers fairly crowded; pedicels about 3.5-4.0 mm. long, the bracts about 4 mm. long, the bracteoles about 1 mm. long. Tepals oblong-elliptic, the apex rounded, white or pink, reflexed in fruit, 2-3 (-4) mm. long. Stamens 6-12 in 1 cycle, inserted on a subhypogynous disc, about 1.5-2.0 mm. long. Ovary subglobose, 6- to 8-carpellate, the carpels free at the apex, the styles equal to the number of carpels and free. Fruit a purple berry, 6-8 mm. in diameter.
- Provided by: [D].Flora de Panama
- Provided by: [D].Flora de Panama
In Panama, appearing at 1200-2000 meters; generally somewhat higher altitudes throughout the rest of the range, Mexico southwards to Colombia.
- Provided by: [D].Flora de Panama
Phytolacca rugosa A.Braun & C.D.Bouché (worldfloraonline.org)
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