Haemanthus sanguineus L.식물/들꽃-수선화과(Amaryllidaceae) 2022. 11. 9. 21:48
국표에 없다.
Haemanthus sanguineus is a South African bulbous geophyte in the genus Haemanthus that occurs in the fynbos vegetation of the Western Cape.
This endemic fynbos geophyte is dormant during the summer and cannot be seen. In the autumn a striking crimson inflorescence emerges from the ground. This consists of a crimson stem that bears a mass of tiny red, crimson and yellow individual flowers.
The plant then produces two circular leathery leaves in the autumn and winter. These lie flat on the ground and are typically edged with scarlet hairs. They are a deep green on the upper surface and underneath are covered in pink and red spots.[그 후 그 식물은 가을과 겨울에 두 개의 둥근 가죽 잎을 생산한다. 이것들은 땅에 평평하게 놓여 있고 전형적으로 주홍색 털로 가장자리가 있다. 그들은 윗면에 깊은 녹색이고 밑에는 분홍색과 빨간색 반점으로 덮여 있습니다.Kakao i 번역]
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