Boophone haemanthoides F.M. Leighton식물/들꽃-수선화과(Amaryllidaceae) 2022. 11. 4. 10:08
국표에 없다.
Boophone haemanthoides is a plant species native to Namibia and the Cape Provinces of South Africa. It is a bulb-forming herb with more than half of its scaly bulb appearing above ground. It produces a rather large umbel of pink flowers with narrow tepals.
Boophone haemanthoides - Wikipedia
Boophone haemanthoides is a summer-flowering geophyte growing up to 500 mm tall. It looks very much like a primitive plant with at least two thirds of its massive scaly bulb visible above ground. Some of the largest bulbs can be more than a hundred years old!
This deciduous, winter-growing geophyte grows from a massive, egg-shaped bulb surrounded by thick layers of grey or brown, papery outer tunics. A great deal of the bulb can be seen above ground. It produces a spreading fan of up to 20, strap-shaped, intensely glaucous (grey-green) leaves, produced in 2 opposite rows. The leaf surfaces are flat or slightly to deeply channelled, and the leaf margins vary considerably from straight to slightly or strongly wavy.
Boophone haemanthoides | PlantZAfrica (sanbi.org)
https://youtu.be/TCbA_wkBkwg https://youtu.be/vhI8LXK7A2Q?t=181
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