
  • Corchorus hirsutus L.
    식물/들꽃-아욱과(Malvaceae) 2022. 10. 25. 19:01

    국표에는 없다.

    Plants shrubs. Stems erect to semiprostrate, mostly unbranched, 5–10(–15) dm, densely tawny-pubescent, hairs stellate. Leaves persistent; petiole 2–8 mm; blade oblong to oblong-elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, 1–3.5(–6) cm, base rounded-truncate, margins crenate, proximal teeth not prolonged, apex obtuse to acute, surfaces densely tawny-pubescent, hairs stellate. Inflorescences fasciculate, 2–8-flowered. Pedicels 5–7 mm. Flowers: sepals linear-oblong, 4–6 mm, not awned, stellate-pubescent; petals 5–6 mm; stamens 50–60. Capsules subglobose to short-ellipsoid, not wing-angled, 4-valved, without awns, 7–9(–12) × 7–8 mm, densely tawny-pubescent, hairs stellate. 2n = 14.

    Erect or less often prostrate shrub, 0.5-1.5(-2) m tall, densely branched; stems, branches, leaves, and inflorescences densely covered with brownish green stellate hairs. Leaf blades (1—)2—6 x 0.5-2 cm, ovate to oblong-lanceolate, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, the apex obtuse, the base rounded to obtuse, the margins crenate-dentate; petioles 0.5-1 mm long; stipules linear-filiform to subulate, to 5 mm long, early deciduous. Inflorescences 2-8-flowered umbelliform cymes; peduncles about as long as the pedicels. Sepals light yellow, 5-6 mm long, ovate; petals bright yellow, obovate-oblong, about as long as the sepals; androgynophore short; disk annular; stamens numerous; ovary ovoid to oblong-ovoid, 4(-5)-locular. Capsule 1-1.5 cm long, 0.5-0.6 cm diam., oblong-ellipsoid, densely tomentose, green, as long as the curved pedicels or longer, with a short, erect beak. Seeds 1- 2 mm long, angular, obliquely truncate at both ends, blackish brown, smooth.


    Corchorus hirsutus grows as a small to medium shrub up to 2 m in height. The leaves are arranged alternately, to 8 cm in length and 3 cm in width, ovate to oblong with a crenate/serrulate leaf margin and a rounded leaf apex. All vegetative structures are densely tomentose. The complete, perfect, actinomorphic flowers are arranged in umbels arising from nodes. The calyx has 5 unfused greenish sepals. The corolla has 5 unfused bright yellow petals. There are numerous stamens. The ovary is superior with 5 locules and numerous seeds. The fruit is a twisted capsule. All reproductive structures excluding the corolla and stamens are densely tomentose.


    Corchorus hirsutus grows in human disturbed areas such as abandoned fields and roadsides. It also grows in Dry Broadleaf Evergreen Formation – Shrublands (scrublands) on limestone and sand substrates near the coastline.

    Corchorus hirsutus L. (worldfloraonline.org)


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