
  • Commiphora glaucescens Engl.
    식물/들꽃-감람나무과(Burseraceae) 2022. 10. 23. 12:42

    국표에는 없다.


    A beautiful, small, dry deciduous tree to about 8 m tall with golden to reddish brown or coppery colored, smooth, peeling bark and simple, elliptic, bluish gray green leaves with undulate margins. The small, creamy white flowers are followed by reddish fruits. Extremely fragrant, the resin, leaves and fruits smell like sweet frankincense. Commiphora glaucescens is fairly widespread and common in northern Namibia, where it inhabits rocky slopes and outcrops and grows along seasonal streams. Even though it will make an exeptional ornamental and a great bonsai subject, it is largely unknown in cultivation.

    Commiphora glaucescens | Seeds of Namibia

    Family: Burseraceae
    Full name: Commiphora glaucescens Engl.
    ID status: Fairly certain
    Afrikaans common name(s): Bloublaar kanniedood
    English common name(s): Blue-leaved corkwood
    Synonym(s): Commiphora hereroensis Schinz
    Commiphora pruinosa Engl.
    Status: Near-endemic
    Description: Dioecious tree 2-8 m tall with a single trunk or shrub-like tree 1 -2 m tall with a trunk branching near ground level; bark yellowish brown to reddish brown, peeling in papery pieces or discoid flakes of the same colour; young branchlets glabrous or sparsely pilose to densely pilose, not spine-tipped. Leaves simple, glabrous or sparsely pilose to densely pilose, glaucous or pale green, subsessile, elliptic or broadly elliptic seldom obovate, (15-)40(-100) x (8-)25(-60) mm, margin entire, apex usually truncate, seldom refuse or acute, base truncate or cuneate. Inflorescence: simple or compound dichasial cymes or thyrsoid, up to 80 mm long, glabrous or pilose to densely pilose, often with leaf-like bracts up to 10 x 7 mm. Flowers unisexual, perigynous. Pedicel 2-10 mm long, pedicel, calyx and corolla glabrous or sparsely pilose to pilose. Disc 8-lobed, upper part of lobes free but lower part adnate to hypanthium. Stamens 8. Fruit ellipsoid, 11 x 6 x 4 mm, glabrous or pilose; putamen smooth; pseudo-aril red, cupular with 4 or 3 short lobes, covering lower quarter to third of putamen, 2 commissural lobes slightly longer than 2 facial lobes, lobe on more convex face of putamen in some cases undeveloped. (from JSTOR Global Plants website / Flora of Southern Africa)

    Kyffhäuser flora - Commiphora glaucescens (kyffhauser.co.za)



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