Chirita "silver surfer"식물/들꽃-괭이귀과(Gesneriaceae) 2022. 10. 1. 13:03
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Chirita in recent years become a nice complement collectibles collection of African violets and streptokarpusů. We offer a variety "silver surfer". It is grown as an African violet. Bright place, not in direct sunlight. Room temperature all year round. Maintain a moist substrate, water tray of water into soft water. Nerosit. Fertilize only in flower once every 14 days fertilizer for fruits and flowers. Soil lightweight blended with peat. Spots on leaves are usually caused by cold water or direct sunlight.
Chirita "silver surfer" — Florist's Plantica
Cluster of medium purple flowers. Green leaves are patterned silver. Kartuz Greenhouses: Primulina Silver Surfer
Boggan J., The flowers are light purple with a darker venous pattern, the neck is lighter. There are 6-10 flowers on the peduncle. The leaves are oval green. Compact grade.
Primulina (Chirita) Silver Surfer 536 - Primulins (Hirites) - FialkIrina
chirita silver surfer720.jpg (700×560) (fialkirina.ru) '식물 > 들꽃-괭이귀과(Gesneriaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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