백천무금-Kalanchoe rotundifolia f. variegata식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2021. 11. 15. 20:20
Origin and Habitat: Kalanchoe rotundifolia is a small succulent plant widespread from central to northern South Africa, in Botswana, Transvaal and western Orange Free State, coastal and central Natal, eastern Swaziland, the eastern to north-eastern Cape and extending further into Namibia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzania and Socotra.
Altitude range: 50-1800 metres above sea level.
Habitat and ecology: Kalanchoe rotundifolia is a very common plant found growing as a pioneer plant usually in shade or half-shade, single or in large comunities under trees or shrubs in bushland, woodland, open and secondary forests, savanna, open veld; sandy, limestone, brackish or rocky soils or on rocks, either in dry or wet habitats, sometimes in salt marshes. It easily establishes on road cuttings, road verges, on rooftops, waste areas and derelict lands. It reproduces naturally by means of vast amounts of very small seed which germinates readily under ideal conditions.Kalanchoe rotundifolia (llifle.com)
Succulent 多肉植物-Sedum makinoi Maxim f.variegata 万年草白覆轮
Succulent 多肉植物-Sedum makinoi Maxim f.variegata 万年草白覆轮 | Shopee Malaysia
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