
  • Felicia amelloides
    식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2021. 7. 18. 14:28

    국표에는 없다.

    Felicia amelloides, the blue daisy bush or blue felicia, is a hairy, soft, usually perennial, evergreen plant, in the daisy family. It can be found along the southern coast of South Africa. It grows as ground cover and produces many very regular branches. It mostly grows to about 50 cm (1.6 ft) high, rarely to 1 m. The leaves are oppositely arranged along the stems, dark green in colour and elliptic in shape. The flower heads sit individually on up to 18 cm (7 in) long, green to dark reddish stalks. They consist of about twelve heavenly blue ray florets that surround many yellow disc florets, together measuring about 3 cm (1+15 in) across. It is also cultivated as an ornamental, and was introduced in Europe in the middle of the 18th century.

    Felicia amelloides is an evergreen, rich and regularly branched, upright perennial, sometimes biennial, herbaceous plant with a woody base, of about 50 cm (1.6 ft), sometimes up to 1 m high plant. All of its leaves are oppositely arranged along the stem, are usually relatively large, 2–512 cm (34–2 in) long and 1–212 cm (0.4–1.0 in) wide, but strongly varying in size. They are elliptic to inverted egg-shaped, with a blunt or indistinctly pointy tip, an entire margin, and the leaves near the ground may have a short stalk. The leaves are stiff and leathery and feel sandpapery, due to a covering of short bristle-like hairs. Each leaf has one to three conspicuous veins, its margins are curled downwards. The upper surface is dark green, but the underside is lighter.

    The flower heads are about 3 cm (1+15 in) across and sit individually on top of green to dark reddish, about 18 cm (7 in) long, densely hairy stalks. The involucre is 5–7 mm (0.20–0.28 in) in diameter, and consist of two strict rows of bracts of 8–11 mm (0.31–0.43 in) long. The outer bracts are 1–2 mm (0.039–0.079 in) wide, narrowly inverted lance-shaped with rough and sometimes also glandular hairs. The inner bracts are 2–3 mm (0.079–0.118 in) wide, inverted lance-shaped, with dry papery edges. The approximately twelve, bright blue, female ray florets have a strap of about 17 mm (0.67 in) long and 4 mm (0.16 in) wide. These surround many bisexual, disc florets with a yellow corolla of about 4 mm (0.16 in) long. In the center of each corolla are five anthers merged into a tube, through which the style grows when the floret opens, hoovering up the pollen on its shaft. At the tip of both style branches is a triangular appendage. Around the base of the corolla are many white, toothed, persistent pappus bristles of about 4 mm (0.16 in) long, which become slightly wider towards the top. The eventually dark brown, dry, one-seeded, indehiscent fruits called cypsellae are inverted egg-shaped, about 4 mm (0.16 in) long and 2 mm (0.079 in) wide, the surface slightly scaly, and covered with short hairs.

    Felicia amelloides is a diploid having nine sets of homologue chromosomes (2n=18).

    Felicia amelloides - Wikipedia

    꽃말:축복, 행복, 청아한 당신

    높이 약 50cm 정도까지 자란다. 드물게 1m 정도까지 자라는 경우도 있다. 줄기와 잎이 울창하게 우거져 덤불을 이루며 긴 꽃대 위에 꽃이 하나씩 핀다. 줄기는 종종 검붉은 색을 띤다. 줄기와 잎에 작은 털이 빽빽하게 나 있어 표면이 거칠게 느껴진다. 잎은 타원형으로 윗면이 밑면보다 짙은 녹색이다. 꽃은 다른 국화과 꽃처럼 두상화와 설상화로 이뤄진다. 지름은 약 30mm 정도다. 중앙에 있는 노란색 두상화를 파란색이나 보라색의 설상화 꽃잎이 둘러싸고 있다. 흔히 데이지라 불리는 국화과 꽃들의 전형적인 형태다.









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