Notocactus uebelmannianus Buining식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2020. 7. 5. 13:02
Description: Parodia werneri is a a nice cactus usually solitary, sometimes branching basally to form small clumps. It has glossy green body with appressed spines and bears a ring of the most amazing magenta to royal purple flowers every spring. Replaced synonym: Notocactus uebelmannianus Buining, Kakt. and. Sukk. 19(9): 175-176 (1968), non Parodia uebelrnannlana Ritter, Kakt. Siidamer. 2: 425-4..
청왕환선인장식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2018. 9. 14. 18:50
청왕환선인장 2.Parodia herteri 3.Parodia ottonis subs. horstii (F.Ritter) Hofacker 4.Parodia subterranea 1.Notocactus ottonis var. vencluianus Schütz Accepted Scientific Name: Parodia ottonis (Lehm.) N.P.Taylor Description: Plant at first solitary that matures and flowers at an early age. With time it form small colonies. One of the peculiarity of this species is the t..