
  • 청왕환선인장
    식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2018. 9. 14. 18:50


    2.Parodia herteri

    3.Parodia ottonis subs. horstii (F.Ritter) Hofacker

    4.Parodia subterranea

    1.Notocactus ottonis var. vencluianus Schütz

    Accepted Scientific Name: Parodia ottonis (Lehm.) N.P.Taylor

    Description: Plant at first solitary that matures and flowers at an early age. With time it form small colonies. one of the peculiarity of this species is the tendency to produce basal suckers on the lateral roots.
    The "vencluiana" is merely one of the several forms of the very variable Notocactus (Parodia) ottonis distinguished by its red flowers and red anthers. Havlicek called it Notocactus ottonis cv. Venclu in 1993. Gerloff's Notocacti book suggests that this particular cultivar originated from (habitat?) seed sown in a Czech nurser. However Parodia ottonis occurs over quite a wide area and "vencluiana " is regarded as a mere ecotype with size or colour of flowers modified. However red flowering forms occours at random elswhere.
    Stem[줄기]: Up to 8 cm in diameter, 4 cm tall, somewhat depressed, with white wool apically, more or less glossy green or bluish green which can take a purple colour in under stress condition or in full sun.
    Ribs[등줄기,릉]: 8-9, broad and rounded, well defined.X
    Areoles[엽맥]: Few, circular up 1-2(-3) mm wide, 10-12 mm apart.
    Spines[가시]: Bristly, acicular, slightly curved and spreading.
    Central spines[큰가시]: Up to four, brownish, reddish brown or yellowish 20-40 mm long.
    Radial spines[방사상가시]: 7-9 up to 15 mm long, clearer.X

    Flowers: In various shades of peach, salmon, pink-red, vermilion and purple, from the uppermost areoles, one or more appearing at a time, that open only during the dayt, 5-6 cm wide, floral tube with brownish wool and bristles. Perianth segments linear-oblong, acute, stamens about half the length of the perianth, segments, style yellow, stigma lobes red.
    국표에는 선인장과 Notocactus 속이 없으나 Parodia 속은 있다.

    2.Parodia ottonis subs. horstii (F.Ritter) Hofacker(국표에서는 청왕환선인장)과 가장 가깝다.
    Origin and Habitat: Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil, Southern America)


    Common Names include:
    RUSSIAN (Русский): Пародия Хорста


    3.Parodia herteri

    Description: Notocactus herteri is a large growing plant, usually solitary or slowly branching from the base.
    Stem: Almost spherical that can became shortly cylindrical when old, up to 15 cm in diameter and tall with a shiny deep green skin, the apex is depressed, white-grayish and woolly
    Ribs: About 22 well defined and spiraling.
    Tubercles: Well pronounced, chinned.
    Radial spines: 8-11 thin, flexible and acicular up to 20 mm long, whitish with a brownish-red tip.O
    Central spines: Stouter (20-30 cm long), subulated, brown-reddish, grayish when old.
    Areoles: Deeply seated within a depression between the chins, woolly that become bare when older.
    Flowers: Apical, pale violet-pink to dark purple, 4 cm long, 4,5/5 cm in diameter with whitish or yellow centers in the spring. Petals lanceolated with somewhat fringed border and a darker midribat the extremity. Filaments and style greenish/yellow, anthers golden yellow, stigma 10 lobed, pinkish with the a white extremity.
    Blooming season: July through September.


    4.Parodia subterranea


    • Parodia subterranea F.Ritter
      • Bolivicactus subterraneus (F.Ritter) Doweld
      • Parodia maassii var. subterranea (F.Ritter) Krainz

      • 국표에 청왕환

        Parodia ottonis (Lehm.) N.P.Taylor

        Origin and Habitat: Parodia ottonis is widespread in South America in South Brazil, Uruguay, North-east Argentina and South Paraguay.
        Habitat: Subtropical grasslands. And also in this area are several species of Frailea.


        Description: Parodia ottonis, better known as Notocactus ottonis, is a common attractive dwarf clumping cactus and particularly is fun as it matures and flowers at an early age. This is one of the most variable species in the genus and has lots of unnecessary synonyms and comprises a multitude of different regional forms as well as various cryptic allied species including the Parodia linkii, Parodia oxycostata, Parodia carambeiensis amd Parodia muricata. But where each form is linked to others by populations of plants with intermediate characteristics. This species is in cultivation with many cultivated and propagated forms. Generations of cactophiles have had this plant as one of their first acquisitions and few can have been disappointed by its easy cultivation and free-flowering habit.
        Habit: Simple at first later usually clustering, the plants may form large clumps developing offsets on stolons which may emerge up to 20 cm away from the parent plant,
        Stems: More or less spherical, tapered at base, eventually cylindrical with a flattened top, 2-15 cm in diameter (mostly less than 10 cm), light. Deep-green, bluish green, and can get deep purplish to maroon during winter dormancy, though this colour can be retained if grown in sufficient light. However the new growth is green but will soon darken to match the older epidermis.
        Ribs: 6-12, rarely up to15, well defined. rounded or acute.

        Spines: Slender hair-like, straight, curved or twisted, relatively sparse that does not hide the epidermis.
        Central spines: 1-6, sometimes difficult to distinguish from radials, yellowish, pale to dark brown, light rose, reddish brown or black, 8-40 mm long tending to point downward.
        Radial spines: 4-15 spreading radially, with a starlike appearance, whitish, yellow, pale rose or brown. 5-30 mm long.


    Cactaceae (선인장과)
    Parodia (파로디아속)


    Parodia ottonis (Lehm.) N.P.Taylor






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