노랑점무늬털머위식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2015. 5. 30. 15:27
노랑점무늬털머위 과명 Asteraceae (국화과) 속명 Farfugium (털머위속) 전체학명 Farfugium japonicum 'Aureomaculatum' 추천명 노랑점무늬털머위 이명 무늬털머위 외국명 Known as the Leopard Plant, this is a less hardy cousin of the familiar perennial Ligularia. In Zones 1 through 6 this is best grown in a pot or tub, so plants can be wintered indoors. Forms an evergreen mound of large, rounded leaves, dark green in colour, with unusual bright yel..