쿠르쿠마 아로마티카
쿠르쿠마 아로마티카식물/들꽃-생강과(Zingiberaceae) 2020. 8. 27. 09:39
Curcuma aromatica (common name: wild turmeric) is a member of the genus Curcuma belonging to the family Zingiberaceae. Botanically close to Curcuma australasica, wild turmeric has been widely used as a cosmetic herbal in South Asia and nearby regions. The wild turmeric is one among the 80 members of the plant family Zingiberaceae. The perennial foliage dies down in late autumn and the rhizomes r..
쿠르쿠마 알리스마티폴리아식물/들꽃-생강과(Zingiberaceae) 2016. 8. 19. 12:25
쿠르쿠마 알리스마티폴리아 쿠루쿠마 과명 Zingiberaceae (생강과) 속명 Curcuma (쿠르쿠마속) 전체학명 Curcuma alismatifolia Siam Scarlet 추천명 쿠르쿠마 알리스마티폴리아 이명 외국명 Curcuma alismatifolia Siam Scarlet This is one of the pure Curcuma alismatifolia cultivars of Tulip Gingers in the ‘Siam’ series. The Siam Series was bred and owned K.P. Holland. (Note: we had previously incorrectly listed Chaingmai University as the hybridizer). These ar..