Sweet basil식물/들꽃-꿀풀과(Lamiaceae) 2021. 12. 16. 19:21
Sweet basil is a sub-type of common basil with milder or licoricey taste. It is the best choice for Italian sauces and soups and for making pesto. Sweet basil leaves can sustain better in high-temperature cooking than common basil, so they are widely used in the South Asian cuisine. What Is the Difference Between Basil and Sweet Basil? (medicinenet.com) Description Sweet basil, is an herb in the..
Ocimum basilicum L.var. citriodora-O. X citriodorum식물/들꽃-꿀풀과(Lamiaceae) 2021. 11. 22. 17:45
Botanical description and occurrence: Lemon basil is an annual herbaceous plant. It is a variety of Ocimum basilicum with lemon aroma and flavor, similar to that of Ocimum americanum and a hybrid species derived from O. basilicum x O. americanum, which are also called sometimes lemon basil. Lemon basil is low spreading plant (20-30 cm), with very compact growth habit. Leaves are small (3-5 cm) w..
Ocimum basilicum var. thyrsiflorum.식물/들꽃-꿀풀과(Lamiaceae) 2021. 11. 22. 17:34
Thai basil has narrow leaves, purple stems, and pink-purple flowers. Its sweet, slightly spicy flavor is reminiscent of anise, licorice, and clove, and is more stable under high or extended cooking temperatures than that of sweet basil. Very attractive in cut-flower arrangements. 1-1.5'H x 1-1.5'W. Basil - Ocimum basilicum var. thyrsiflora 'Siam Queen' (Thai Basil) (michlers.com)
바질<-바실리쿰오시뭄-Ocimum basilicum L.식물/들꽃-꿀풀과(Lamiaceae) 2016. 9. 25. 20:34
바질바질 이명 외국명 Common basil; Sweet basil 유통명과 국표의 국명과는 많이 다르다. 특히 바질,바실은 검색(국표에서) 추천명변경: 바실리쿰오시뭄 -> 바질 http://www.nature.go.kr/kpni/stndasrch/dtl/selectNtnStndaPlantDtl2.do?orgId=kpni Basil UK /ˈbæzəl/; US /ˈbeɪzəl/ (Ocimum basilicum), also called great basil or Saint-Joseph's-wort, is a culinary herb of the family Lamiaceae (mints). It is also called the "king of herbs" and the "royal herb". The n..