리톱스 레슬리- lithops lesliei식물/들꽃-번행초과(Aizoaceae) 2017. 11. 9. 21:06
리톱스 레슬리 lithops lesliei 국표에는 없다. Description: Lithops lesliei is a medium sized Lithops, easily recognised by miniature circular transparent windows forming a lecework in the opaque covering ranging in colour from Brown Coffee to green grass, green grey, pinkish grey, rusty orange. Each growth consists of two leaves closely pressed together or united, except for a central fissure across the top,..
리톱스 올리베이시아-lithops olivacea식물/들꽃-번행초과(Aizoaceae) 2017. 11. 9. 19:43
리톱스 올리베이시아 lithops olivacea Common Names include: ENGLISH: Stone Plant, Flowering Stone ITALIAN (Italiano): Pianta Sasso Description: Lithops olivacea is a distinctive specie with large nail-shaped olive green windows on convex upper surfaces, often flecked with a few whitish islands. It is quite uniform and relatively easy to identify. Habit: It is a tiny egg-shaped, geophyte succulent, usually..
리톱스 후케리-lithops hookeri식물/들꽃-번행초과(Aizoaceae) 2017. 11. 9. 14:13
리톱스 후케리 lithops hookeri Description: Lithops hookeri is a medium to very large species, and is quite variable and the colours and face pattern varies considerably in plant from different provenance. Habit: Growth solitary or forming clumps with up to 10 or more heads (mostly 2-4) Bodies (paired leaves): Up to 46 X 35 mm, usually about 30 X 23 mm, obconical, truncate, top surface flat to slightly..
리톱스 옵티카 '루부라'식물/들꽃-번행초과(Aizoaceae) 2017. 10. 29. 10:08
리톱스 옵티카 '루부라' 국표에는 Lithops (리토프스속) 3종 재배식물 정명 Lithops bella N.E.Br. 리톱스 벨라 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Lithops salicola L.Bolus 리톱스 살리콜라 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Lithops marmorata N.E.Br. 리톱스 마르모라타 2011/12/08 국표에는 없다. The pink colored body and club shaped pair of leaves makes the Lithops optica 'Rubra' extremely distinguishable. Simple to care for and with a beautiful daisy like flower it is the choice of many..
리톱스 마르모라타식물/들꽃-번행초과(Aizoaceae) 2017. 10. 1. 15:17
슈도트런카텔리톱스 Lithops pseudotruncatella var. riehmerae C097 과명 Aizoaceae (번행초과) 속명 Lithops (리토프스속) 전체학명 Lithops pseudotruncatella var. riehmerae C097 추천명 슈도트런카텔리톱스 이명 외국명 Description: Lithops pseudotruncatella var. riehmerae is a small lithops species with apex faded in colour, pale grey, grey-pinkish to bluish-pink, with less extensive markings and very smooth. It is not very different from the sta..
살리콜라리톱스식물/들꽃-번행초과(Aizoaceae) 2017. 4. 18. 20:22
살리콜라리톱스 과명Aizoaceae (번행초과)속명Lithops (리토프스속)전체학명 Lithops salicola L.Bolus 추천명 살리콜라리톱스 이명 외국명 Lithops salicola is a species of perennial plant in the Aizoaceae family, often called living stones. Lithops salicola has two coupled leaves, divided by a fissure through which the flowers appear. It is cylin..