Terminalia prunioides M.A.Lawson식물/들꽃-콤브레타과(Combretaceae ) 2023. 5. 9. 13:01
국표에 없다.
Terminalia prunioides, the purple-pod cluster-leaf or purple-pod terminalia, is a small African tree in the family Combretaceae. It is native to the eastern and south-central parts of the continent.
Terminalia prunioides - Wikipedia
Common NamePurplepod clusterleafTerminalia prunoides is a shrub or small tree that is often multi-stemmed and produces greenish-white flowers followed by red to purple winged nuts that stay on the tree for a long time - very decorative.Plant DescriptionTerminalia prunoides is a shrub or small tree that is often multi-stemmed and does not appear to be very tidy due to its drooping branches. The greenish-white flowers are followed by red to purple winged nuts that stay on the tree for a long time. It is very decorative.
Plant Terminalia prunoides in a well-drained soil and protect from frost when young. It can be trimmed occasionally to keep it compact.
Afrikaanse Naam -SterkbosHardiness -HardyPosition -SunWater Requirements -Water wiseEvergreen -DeciduousGrowth Rate -ModerateFlowering Time -SummerFlower Colour -Yellow/greenShape -CompactSoil -LoamPlant Size -3mRegion -LimpopoHabitat -SavannahTerminalia prunoides - Wildflower Indigenous Plant Database (wildflowernursery.co.za)
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