kielmeyera sp.식물/들꽃-칼로필룸과(Calophyllaceae) 2024. 10. 18. 10:06
국표에 없다.Origin: Brazil: in all its central portion and adjacent states, from PR, BA to RO; Family: Calophyllaceae; Ecology: group of rupicolous or terrestrial species, tropical, latex, native to open, sunny and windy environments of grassland formations (including rocky grassland), savanna (including restingas) and even forest (such as riparian forests) within the domains of the Amazon, the Caati..
Kielmeyera rubriflora Cambess.식물/들꽃-칼로필룸과(Calophyllaceae) 2024. 10. 2. 17:31
국표에 없다.Kielmeyera rubriflora is a species of Kielmeyera from Bolivia to Brazil. Kielmeyera rubriflora - Wikipedia "Root: type root not rootstock/rootstock. Stem: orientation erect. Leaf: texture subcoriaceous/coriaceous; colour discolorous/glaucous both side; spot reddish limb present; form elliptic/oblong/obovate/ovate; apex apiculate/obtuse/retuse; base cuneate/obtuse/subcordate; margin slight..