Rhododendron burmanicum Hutch.식물/들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae) 2024. 3. 19. 12:54
국표에 없다. Shrub, to 2 m; young shoots densely covered with setae that are soon deciduous; vegetative bud scales broad and conspicuous. Leaves 5–5.5 × 2–2.5 cm, obovate, apex obtuse, margin ciliate when young, more or less crenate above, upper surface with impressed midrib, lower surface with overlapping or touching scales. Flowers 4–6(–10), in a terminal inflorescence, scented; calyx disc-like; co..
Rhododendron tschonoskii-Rhododendron subsect. Tsutsusi식물/들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae) 2024. 3. 19. 11:03
Rhododendron subsection Tsutsusi is a subsection of the genus Rhododendron, in section Tsutsusi, subgenus Azaleastrum, consisting of 66 species of Azaleas. Description Leaves generally deciduous but some apical leaves over winter and are dimorphic, young twigs with flattened multicellular hairs that are widely distributed. Taxonomy For etymology, see section Tsutsusi. Species Selected species in..
황산차-Rhododendron lapponicum (L.) Wahlenb.식물/들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae) 2024. 3. 19. 10:46
국표에서는 자생식물 정명 Rhododendron lapponicum (L.) Wahlenb. subsp. parvifolium (Adams) T.Yamaz. 황산차 2022/03/28 자생식물 이명 Rhododendron lapponicum (L.) Wahlenb. subsp. parvifolium (Adams) T.Yamaz. f. albiflorum (Herder ex Maxim.) T.Yamaz. 황산차 2022/03/28 자생식물 이명 Rhododendron lapponicum (L.) Wahlenb. subsp. parvifolium (Adams) T.Yamaz. var. alpinu (Glehn) T.Yamaz. 황산차 2022/03/28 Rhododendron lapponicum (L.) W..
Rhododendron japonicum (A.Gray) Valck.Sur.식물/들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae) 2024. 3. 19. 10:27
국표에 없다. Rhododendron japonicum, the Japanese azalea, is a species of flowering plant in the family Ericaceae, native to Japan. A deciduous shrub reaching 8 ft (2.4 m) but usually half that, it is found in grasslands and open scrub, never in dense thickets or woodlands. It is very similar to the Chinese endemic Rhododendron molle, to the extent that its cultivars are customarily grouped with the ..
해안철쭉-[정명] Rhododendron atlanticum (Ashe) Rehder식물/들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae) 2024. 3. 19. 10:12
과명 Ericaceae (진달래과) 속명 Rhododendron (진달래속) 전체학명 [정명] Rhododendron atlanticum (Ashe) Rehder 추천명 해안철쭉 영문명 Azalea Coast 추천명변경: 아틀란티쿰철쭉 -> 해안철쭉 Rhododendron atlanticum, the dwarf azalea or coastal azalea, is a species of Rhododendron native to coastal areas of the eastern United States, from New Jersey south to Georgia. It is a very tough plant, responding to overgrazing or forest fires by generatin..
Rhododendron periclymenoides Michx.식물/들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae) 2024. 3. 19. 09:43
국표에 없다. Rhododendron periclymenoides, the pink azalea or pinxter flower, is a species of shrub in the heath family Ericaceae. It is native to eastern North America, where it is widespread from Alabama to New Hampshire. It is often found in riparian areas, in wet to dry forests. This species produces showy pink flowers in the spring. They have 2-inch (51 mm) long stamens; they carry a strong, swe..
유럽만병초-[정명] Rhododendron ponticum L.식물/들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae) 2024. 3. 19. 09:27
과명 Ericaceae (진달래과) 속명 Rhododendron (진달래속) 전체학명 [정명] Rhododendron ponticum L. 추천명 유럽만병초 추천명변경: 폰티쿰만병초 -> 유럽만병초 Rhododendron ponticum, called common rhododendron or pontic rhododendron, is a species of flowering plant in the Rhododendron genus of the heath family Ericaceae. It is native to the Iberian Peninsula in southwest Europe and the Caucasus region in northern West Asia. Description R. pont..
알프스만병초-[정명] Rhododendron hirsutum L.식물/들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae) 2024. 3. 18. 19:22
과명Ericaceae (진달래과)속명Rhododendron (진달래속)전체학명[정명] Rhododendron hirsutum L.추천명알프스만병초 추천명변경: 히르수툼철쭉 -> 알프스만병초 Rhododendron hirsutum, commonly known as the hairy alpenrose is one of the species of Rhododendron native to the mountains of Europe. It occurs widely in the Alps except for the southwestern region (approximately south and west of the Matterhorn), and has become naturalised in parts of ..