Rhododendron hodgsonii Hook. f.식물/들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae) 2024. 3. 20. 14:44
국표에 없다. Tree, 3–11 mm; bark smooth, peeling, reddish brown. Leaves 17–24 × 6.5–10 cm, obovate to oblanceolate, upper surface smooth, reticulate, lower surface with a dense two-layered indumentum, the upper layer silvery to cinnamon, composed of slightly fimbriate, broadly cup-shaped hairs, the lower compacted; petioles terete. Flowers 15–25, in a dense truss, 7–10-lobed, pink to magenta or purpl..
Rhododendron hanceanum Hemsl.식물/들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae) 2024. 3. 20. 14:30
국표에 없다. Shrub, to 2 m; bark smooth, bronze. Leaves 7–11.5 × 3.5–5.7 cm, oblong-elliptic to narrowly ovate, apex acuminate, upper surface green, lower surface pale green, scales flat, golden-brown, distant. Flowers 5–15, in a loose or dense terminal inflorescence with a rhachis up to 12 mm long; calyx lobes c.5 mm, not ciliate but fringed with scales; corolla white to yellow, narrowly funnel-camp..
Rhododendron haematodes Franch.식물/들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae) 2024. 3. 20. 14:18
국표에 없다. Small shrub, 0.6–1.8 m. Leaves 4.5–10 × 1.8–5.5 cm, obovate to oblong, lower surface with a two-layered indumentum, the upper layer a fawn to red-brown densely matted tomentum, composed of dendroid hairs, the lower whitish, compacted; petioles densely tomentose or setose and tomentose. Flowers 4–8, in a tight truss; calyx 1–15 mm, when well-developed cupular, but with irregular lobes; co..
Rhododendron groenlandicum (Oeder) Kron & Judd식물/들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae) 2024. 3. 20. 14:02
국표에 없다. Erect shrub, 0.5–2 m; young shoots ferrugineous-lanate. Leaves 1.2–6 × 0.5–1.5 cm. Linear-elliptic, margins revolute, upper surface dark green, lower surface with a thickly ferrugineous lanate indumentum that usually conceals the midrib, epidermis papillose covered with short white setulose hairs, scales dense, rimless, golden, intermixed with red-brown glands; petioles 1–5 mm. Flowers n..
Rhododendron facetum Balf.f. & Kingdon-Ward식물/들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae) 2024. 3. 20. 13:41
국표에 없다. Shrub or tree, 2–10 m; young shoots and petioles rufous stellate-tomentose. Leaves 10–18.5 × 3–7.2 cm, oblanceolate to elliptic, both surfaces glabrous and shining when mature, or with vestiges of indumentum, especially on the midrib towards the base. Flowers c.10, in a lax truss; calyx 3–5 mm; corolla deep rose to scarlet, tubular-campanulate, with nectar pouches, 40–50 mm; ovary rufous..
Rhododendron griffithianum Wight식물/들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae) 2024. 3. 20. 13:03
국표에 없다. Shrub or tree, 1.3–10 m. Leaves 10–19(–30) × 4–7.5(–10) cm, oblong, base rounded, glabrous. Flowers 4–5, in a lax truss; calyx 7–20 mm long, lobes rounded; corolla 5-lobed, pale pink at first, soon fading white, open-campanulate, nectar pouches lacking, 55–80 mm; stamens 12–18; ovary and entire style glandular. Flowering April-May. A distinctive species that requires a mild climate in Br..
Rhododendron griersonianum Balf.f. & Forrest식물/들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae) 2024. 3. 20. 12:49
국표에 없다. Rhododendron griersonianum is a species of flowering plant in the family Ericaceae. It is native to western Yunnan (China) and Myanmar, where it grows in mixed forests and thickets at altitudes of 1,600–2,700 m (5,200–8,900 ft). This evergreen shrub reaches an average height of 1.3 m (4.3 ft). The 5–12-flowered inflorescences appear from May to June, with the seeds ripening in March of t..
Rhododendron galactinum Balf. f.식물/들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae) 2024. 3. 20. 12:33
국표에 없다. Tree, 5–6 m; bark rough. Leaves 14–20 × 5–6.5 cm, ovate-lanceolate, upper surface reticulate, lower surface covered with a two-layered indumentum, the upper layer dense, cinnamon, composed of strongly fimbriate narrowly cup-shaped hairs, the lower compacted; petioles terete. Flowers 9–15 in a truss, 7-lobed, pale rose with a crimson blotch, campanulate, nectar pouches lacking, (30–)40–50..