피토니아 베르스카펠티 '레드 스타'-Fittonia Verschaffeltii 'Red star'식물/들꽃-쥐꼬리망초과(Acanthaceae) 2019. 6. 26. 18:09
피토니아 베르스카펠티 '레드 스타' Fittonia verschaffeltii 'Red Star' 과명Acanthaceae (쥐꼬리망초과) 속명Fittonia (피토니아속)전체학명 Fittonia verschaffeltii 'Red' 추천명피토니아 베르스카펠티 '레드' 이명 외국명Mosaic plant Fittonia Verschaffeltii 'Red' Fittonia verschaffeltii 'Red'- Nerve Plant is a member of the Acanthaceae..
Justicia gendarussa 'Variegata'식물/들꽃-쥐꼬리망초과(Acanthaceae) 2019. 4. 21. 20:47
Justicia gendarussa 'Variegata' 국표에는 없다. Growth Form: A small, erect, fast-growing, branched shrub with attractive, lanceolate (shaped like a lance-head), ascending to spreading variegated leaves in shades of green, white and grey, and produces dainty white flowers. Foliage: Leaves simple, entire, opposite, lanceolate, variegated in shades of white, green and grey,..
피토니아 알비베니스 ‘화이트 스타‘식물/들꽃-쥐꼬리망초과(Acanthaceae) 2019. 3. 29. 15:17
피토니아 알비베니스 ‘화이트 스타‘ Fittonia albivenis 'White Star' Synonyms : Fittonia 'White Star', Fittonia verschaffeltii var. argyoneura 'White Angel', Fittonia argyroneura 'White Star' Common Names : White Star Nerve Planthttps://florafaunaweb.nparks.gov.sg/Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx?id=3455 Worth knowing: Fittonia albivenis 'White Star', commonly ca..
피토니아 베르스카펠티 '레드'식물/들꽃-쥐꼬리망초과(Acanthaceae) 2019. 3. 29. 15:01
Fittonia verschaffeltii 'Red' 피토니아 베르스카펠티 '레드' 과명Acanthaceae (쥐꼬리망초과) 속명Fittonia (피토니아속)전체학명 Fittonia verschaffeltii 'Red' 추천명피토니아 베르스카펠티 '레드' 이명 외국명 "Crested Red Nerve Plant" Deep red toned broad oval leaves with a mosaic of pink-tan veins. Heavy substanced low foliage fabuou..
Strobilanthes callosa식물/들꽃-쥐꼬리망초과(Acanthaceae) 2017. 8. 13. 12:27
Strobilanthes callosa Strobilanthes callosa국표에는 없다.Strobilanthes callosa Nees (Synonym: Carvia callosa (Nees) Bremek) is a shrub found mainly in the low hills of the western ghats all along the west coast of India. Its standardized Hindi language name is Maruadona (मरुआदोना) by which it is called in the state of Madhy..
Thunbergia erecta식물/들꽃-쥐꼬리망초과(Acanthaceae) 2017. 3. 26. 16:25
Thunbergia erecta 국표에는 없다. 쥐꼬리망초과에는 41종이 검색되지만 Thunbergia 속은 없다. Thunbergia erecta is a herbaceous perennial climbing plant species in the genus Thunbergia native to western Africa. Common names include bush clockvine and king's-mantle . Thunbergia erecta (Benth.) T.Anderson 사이판에서
Peristrophe baphica (Spreng) Bremek.-흰입술망초식물/들꽃-쥐꼬리망초과(Acanthaceae) 2016. 11. 25. 11:15
Peristrophe baphica (Spreng) Bremek. 국표에는 없다. 과명 Acanthaceae (쥐꼬리망초과) 속명 Peristrophe (입술망초속) 전체학명 Peristrophe baphica (Spreng) Bremek. 추천명 흰입술망초? 이명 외국명 Plants electing 20-50cm tall. Leaves 5-10cm long (including petioles), 1-3cm wide, bracts 1-2.5cm long. Flowers calyx 2.5-3mm long, pale purple corollas 2.5-3cm long, 2 stamens, flowering in July to October. Fruits 2.5mm long. Perennial plants. ..