애기금낭화 '럭셔리언트'-Dicentra formosa 'Luxuriant'식물/들꽃-양귀비과(Papaveraceae) 2023. 12. 4. 14:52
과명 Papaveraceae (양귀비과) 속명 Dicentra (애기금낭화속) 전체학명 Dicentra 'Luxuriant' 추천명 애기금낭화 '럭셔리언트' 이명 외국명 Common Name: bleeding heart Type: Herbaceous perennial Family: Papaveraceae Zone: 3 to 9 Height: 1.00 to 1.50 feet Spread: 1.00 to 1.50 feet Bloom Time: May Bloom Description: Cherry red Sun: Part shade Water: Medium Maintenance: Low Flower: Showy, Good Cut Tolerate: Rabbit Culture Easily grown in aver..
흰금낭화-[정명] Lamprocapnos spectabilis 'Alba'식물/들꽃-양귀비과(Papaveraceae) 2023. 12. 2. 22:08
과명 Papaveraceae (양귀비과) 속명 Lamprocapnos (금낭화속) 전체학명 [정명] Lamprocapnos spectabilis 'Alba' 추천명 흰금낭화 이명 외국명 Lamprocapnos spectabilis, bleeding heart or Asian bleeding-heart, is a species of flowering plant belonging to the fumitory subfamily (fumarioideae) of the poppy family Papaveraceae, and is native to Siberia, northern China, Korea, and Japan. It is the sole species in the monotypic genus Lampr..
Capnoides sempervirens (L.) Borkh.식물/들꽃-양귀비과(Papaveraceae) 2023. 6. 16. 12:57
국표에 없다. Capnoides sempervirens, the harlequin corydalis, rock harlequin, pale corydalis or pink corydalis, is an annual or biennial plant native to rocky woodland and burned or disturbed places in northern North America. Capnoides sempervirens is the only species in the genus Capnoides.Name(s) brought to synonymy Capnoides elegans Kuntze, a synonym for Corydalis elegans Description Plants are 20..
Argemone hunnemannii A.Dietr.식물/들꽃-양귀비과(Papaveraceae) 2023. 5. 28. 16:13
국표에 없다. Allg. Gartenzeitung 1: 298 (1833) This name is reported by Papaveraceae as an accepted name in the genus Argemone (family Papaveraceae). The record derives from WCSP (in review) which reports it as an accepted name Cite taxon page as 'WFO (2023): Argemone hunnemanni A.Dietr. Published on the Internet;http://www.worldfloraonline.org/taxon/wfo-0000547023. Accessed on: 28 May 2023' General ..
금낭화-Dicentra spectabilis (L.) Lem.식물/들꽃-양귀비과(Papaveraceae) 2023. 4. 5. 14:43
과명 Papaveraceae (양귀비과) 속명 Dicentra (금낭화속) 전체학명 [정명] Dicentra spectabilis (L.) Lem. 추천명 금낭화 이명 등모란,며느리주머니 외국 Bleeding heart 형태:숙근성 여러해살이풀, 관화식물. 분포:▶한국, 중국 등지에 분포한다. ▶천마산, 가평, 설악산 등지의 중부지역 산지에서 자생한다. 생육환경:▶심산지역의 습기가 있는 그늘진 곳, 계곡 근처에서 자란다. ▶배수가 잘 되는 부식질이 많은 부식토나 점질양토에서 잘 자란다. 건조에도 어느정도 강하다. 반그늘에서 생육이 가장 좋은 반음지 식물이므로 8월 한여름에는 해가림을 해주어야 한다. 크기:높이 40-50cm. 잎:잎은 어긋나기하고 엽병이 길며 3개씩 2회 갈라지고 소엽은 길이 3~6cm로..
Argemone albiflora Hornem식물/들꽃-양귀비과(Papaveraceae) 2022. 12. 11. 12:25
국표에 없다. Argemone albiflora, the white prickly poppy, also known as the bluestem prickly poppy or the Texas prickly poppy, is a small erect plant with a decorative white flower with a yellow latex. It is deeply rooted with yellow or red stamens. The plant is known for the sharp prickles on its stem and leaves. The sepals fall off as the flower of this plant grows bigger. It grows in the arid regi..
Ehrendorferia chrysantha (Hook. & Arn.) Rylander식물/들꽃-양귀비과(Papaveraceae) 2022. 12. 10. 15:20
국표에 없다.Ehrendorferia chrysantha (syn. Dicentra chrysantha), with the common name golden eardrops, is a biennial to perennial plant in the family Papaveraceae.It is native to dry, brushy areas prone to wildfire in diverse regions of California, and in Baja California.Dicentra chrysantha has a taproot. Its leaves are blue-green, with many lobed leaflets.Flowers are yellow and aromatic, with the ti..
롬네이아 코울테리-Romneya coulteri Harv.식물/들꽃-양귀비과(Papaveraceae) 2022. 12. 10. 10:44
과명 Papaveraceae (양귀비과) 속명 Romneya (롬네이아속) 전체학명 [정명] Romneya coulteri Harv. 추천명 롬네이아 코울테리 이명 외국명 Poppy california tree,Matilija poppy,Californian tree poppy 추천명변경: 코울테리롬네이아 -> 롬네이아 코울테리 Romneya coulteri, the Coulter's Matilija poppy or California tree poppy, is a perennial species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae. Native to southern California, USA, and Baja California, Mexico,..