오색미나리식물/들꽃-산형과(Apiaceae) 2014. 6. 20. 18:54
오색미나리 과명 Umbelliferae (산형과) 속명 Oenanthe (미나리속) 전체학명 Oenanthe javanica 'Flamingo' 추천명 오색미나리 이명 외국명 Native to Korea, this interesting foliage plant is related to parsley. The leaves are large and lacy, light green dappled with cream and lavender pink. Umbels of white flowers are held above, but these are not showy..
지리강활-[정명] Angelica amurensis Schischk.식물/들꽃-산형과(Apiaceae) 2014. 6. 17. 11:18
지리강활 과명 Engler - APG Ⅳ - Apiaceae (산형과) 속명Angelica (당귀속)전체학명 [정명] Angelica amurensis Schischk.추천명지리강활이명갯구릿대,개구릿대외국명Amur angelica Plants perennial, 60–150 cm. Root conic, black-brown, 1.5–3 cm thick, pungent aromatic. Stem stout, purplish green, puberulous above. Basal and lower leaves long-petiolate, sheaths purplish oblong-ovate; blade broadly..
전호-[정명] Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm.식물/들꽃-산형과(Apiaceae) 2014. 5. 22. 19:31
전호 과명 Engler-APG Ⅳ-Umbelliferae (산형과)속명Anthriscus (전호속)전체학명[정명]Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm.추천명전호이명반들전호, 동지,사약채, 생치나물큰전호물생치 외국명Woodland Beakchervil,シャク,천호, Wild chervil https://youtu.be/4fPmXuezA6Uhttps://youtu.be/FyFmpqEy17g https://youtu.be/Aw9hoeJd330?t=380