Ficus umbellata식물/들꽃-뽕나무과(Moraceae) 2021. 6. 17. 10:09
국표에는 없다. “TLC” reflects a reduced price – leaves may have some nicks, tears or brown spots but are still gorgeous! Originating in Africa but very popular in Japanese culture, this fig has an elegant, tall stems and huge emerald green leaves that are gloriously shiny. It’s a little different from the Fiddle Leaf Fig but nevertheless a very interesting houseplant for any collection – particularly ..
Ficus palmata식물/들꽃-뽕나무과(Moraceae) 2020. 10. 22. 13:44
Ficus palmata commonly known as bedu or Punjab fig is one of the tallest wild fig commonly found in Uttarakhand in Mid-himalayan region. The fruit is quite tasty and grows around villages, forest, wastelands, fields etc. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficus_palmata Twenty years ago, when we were young and hard-working students, we enjoyed Sukkot and Passover vacations in Sinai. We would go hiking for ten..
빵나무-Artocarpus altilis식물/들꽃-뽕나무과(Moraceae) 2020. 8. 30. 16:12
국표에는 이 학명과 국명으로는 없다. Artocarpus속으로 아래 한 종만 검색된다. Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) is a species of flowering tree in the mulberry and jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) family (Moraceae) believed to be a domesticated descendant of Artocarpus camansi originating in New Guinea, the Maluku Islands, and the Philippines. It was initially spread to Oceania via the Austron..
대엽고무나무-Ficus macrophylla Desf. ex Pers.식물/들꽃-뽕나무과(Moraceae) 2020. 8. 29. 18:25
KBS걸어서 세계속으로에서 TV화면 촬영 언제 가볼까마는 정말 보고 싶은 나무다. 과명 Moraceae (뽕나무과) 속명 Ficus (무화과나무속) 전체학명 Ficus macrophylla Desf. ex Pers. 추천명 대엽고무나무 이명 외국명 Banyan Australian; Fig Moreton BayFig Moreton BayMoreton bay fig; Australian banyan 학명변경: 명명자변경 Pers. -> Desf. ex Pers. 추천명변경: 마크로필라고무 -> 대엽고무나무 http://www.nature.go.kr/kpni/stndasrch/dtl/selectNtnStndaPlantDtl2.do?orgId=kpni These Moreton Bay fig trees were ..
Ficus benjamina 'King'식물/들꽃-뽕나무과(Moraceae) 2020. 3. 11. 14:54
Ficus benjamina 'King' 국표에는 없다. Ficus benjamina L. 1767과 구분은 어렵다. Ficus benjamina Golden King also known as the 'Weeping Fig' is one of the most popular house trees available. Prized for its variegated foliage, this beautiful ornamental tree is very adaptable in terms of light; soil and weather growing with minimal care both indoors and out in warm cl..
Ficus Natalensis leprieurii Variegata ‘Heart Leaf Ficus’식물/들꽃-뽕나무과(Moraceae) 2019. 10. 2. 14:32
Ficus natalensis 'Sweet Heart' Ficus Natalensis leprieurii Variegata ‘Heart Leaf Ficus’ The Ficus Natalensis leprieurii variegata, also known as the dwarf variegated triangle fig, is a very rare and stunning tropical plant with small, heart shaped leaves with pronounced and variegation.. These are not suited for bright, direct sunlight, which can lead to burnt or dead leaves. These are beautiful..
Ficus deltoidea식물/들꽃-뽕나무과(Moraceae) 2019. 9. 21. 13:04
Ficus deltoidea Ficus deltoidea, commonly known as mistletoe fig (mas cotek in Malaysian, tabat barito in Indonesia, or สาลิกาลิ้นทอง in Thai) is a large shrub or small tree species native to Southeast Asia, and widely naturalized in other parts of the world. F. deltoidea is a small perennial herb, growing up to about 2 m tall, with thick leaves that ..
떡갈잎고무나무-Ficus lyrata Warb.식물/들꽃-뽕나무과(Moraceae) 2019. 4. 20. 18:12
떡갈잎고무나무 과명 Moraceae (뽕나무과) 속명 Ficus (무화과나무속) 전체학명 Ficus lyrata Warb. 추천명 떡갈잎고무나무 이명 외국명 Fig Banjo; Fig Fiddle-leafFig Fiddle-leafFiddle-leaffig; Fieele-leaf; Banjo fig Chinese Name : 琴叶榕, 提琴叶榕 Plant Morphology : Growth Form: Small to medium-sized tree, up to 12m height when grown in ground, but can reach 30m in native habitat. Crown sparse in young trees, but dense and rounded in mature trees un..