천일홍식물/들꽃-비름과(Amaranthaceae) 2012. 11. 29. 12:59
천일홍 과명 Amaranthaceae (비름과) 속명 Gomphrena (천일홍속) 전체학명 Gomphrena globosa L. 추천명 천일홍 이명 천날살이풀/천일초 외국명 Globe Amaranth/センニチソウ · An erect, branched, pubescent annual, the branches more or less thickened and often purplish at the nodes. · Leaves: opposite, petioled, oblong acute or obtuse, 7 to 11 cm long. · Flowers: numerous, densely crowded in globose heads, the heads are white, pink or purple, solita..