Mirabilis linearis (Pursh) Heimerl식물/들꽃-분꽃과(Nyctaginaceae) 2022. 12. 10. 18:25
국표에 없다. Mirabilis linearis (common name narrowleaf four o'clock) is a plant. Among the Zuni people, the root is eaten to induce urination and vomiting. They also take an infusion of the root for stomachache. Mirabilis linearis - Wikipedia https://youtu.be/dSLDuim3HYI
Acleisanthes obtusa (Choisy) Standl.식물/들꽃-분꽃과(Nyctaginaceae) 2022. 12. 7. 19:24
국표에 없다. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 12: 371 (1909) This name is reported by Caryophyllales as an accepted name in the genus Acleisanthes (family Nyctaginaceae). The record derives from WCSP (in review) which reports it as an accepted name General Information Plants herbaceous, often woody at base, overall pubescence of white, capitate hairs 0.1-0.2 mm. Stems prostrate or spreading, much branched, to..
Anulocaulis eriosolenus (A. Gray) Standley식물/들꽃-분꽃과(Nyctaginaceae) 2022. 11. 22. 10:12
국표에 없다. Herbs, stout or slender, short-lived perennial or annual. Stems 0.2-1.8 m. Leaves: 2-3 pairs near base; petiole 2-7 cm; blade broadly ovate to almost round, 2-11 × 2-13 cm, base shallowly cordate to ± truncate, apex rounded or obtuse, adaxial surface yellow-green, abaxial surface much paler, both surfaces sparsely villous-hispid with blackish based hairs. Flowers usually borne singly on ..
Boerhavia gracillima Heimerl식물/들꽃-분꽃과(Nyctaginaceae) 2022. 11. 22. 04:56
국표에 없다. Boerhavia gracillima, the slimstalk spiderling, is a plant species native to Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Mexico. It prefers dry, rocky areas such as grasslands, desert scrub, roadsides and pinyon-juniper woodlands. Boerhavia gracillima is a perennial herb, often woody at the base. Stems are trailing to erect, with many branches. Leaves are mostly on the lower half of the plant, gettin..
Allionia incarnata L.식물/들꽃-분꽃과(Nyctaginaceae) 2022. 11. 21. 15:53
국표에 없다. Allionia incarnata is a flowering plant in the four o'clock family (Nyctaginaceae) native to the Caribbean, the southern United States, and south through Central America and most of western South America. It is a perennial (sometimes annual) herbaceous plant with dark pink flowers. Allionia incarnata is known as pink three-flower, pink windmills, trailing allionia, trailing four-o'clock,..
Nyctaginia capitata Choisy식물/들꽃-분꽃과(Nyctaginaceae) 2022. 11. 21. 12:52
국표에는 없다.Nyctaginia is a monotypic genus of flowering plants belonging to the family Nyctaginaceae. The only species is Nyctaginia capitata (devil's bouquet).Its native range is Southern Central USA to Northeastern MexicoNyctaginia - WikipediaCommon English Names: Scarlet Musk FlowerCommon Spanish Names: Yerba BlancaScientific Name: Nyctaginia capitata (comb-ih-CAR-pus SCAN-dens)Family: Nyctagina..
Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd.식물/들꽃-분꽃과(Nyctaginaceae) 2022. 11. 19. 16:43
국표에는 없다. Bougainvillea spectabilis, also known as great bougainvillea, is a species of flowering plant. It is native to Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, and Argentina's Chubut Province. Bougainvillea spectabilis grows as a woody vine or shrub, reaching 15 to 40 feet (4.6 to 12.2 m)[4][5] with heart-shaped leaves and thorny, pubescent stems. The flowers are generally small, white, and inconspicuous, highli..
Abronia villosa S.Wats.,식물/들꽃-분꽃과(Nyctaginaceae) 2022. 11. 9. 08:00
국표에 없다. Abronia villosa is a species of sand-verbena known by the common names desert sand-verbena and chaparral sand-verbena. It is in the four o'clock plant family (Nyctaginaceae). It is native to sandy areas in the deserts of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, associated with creosote-bush and coastal-sage scrub habitats. Abronia villosa is a short, hairy annual wildflower wh..