Begonia Queen Pink-겹사철베고니아 더불릿 핑크식물/들꽃-베고니아과(Begoniaceae) 2017. 3. 9. 15:05
Begonia Queen pink Begonia Queen Pink Begonia Queen Pink is a charming semperflorens type. It has a bushy growth habit with bright green leaves and fully double pink flowers. Easy. New Item 2011. https://www.taylorgreenhouses.com/begonia-queen-pink.html Begonia Queen white 겹사철베고니아 겹사철베고니아 더불릿 핑크 겹사철베고니아 더불릿 화이트 더블릿 베고니아 사철베고니아가 국표에는 있고 겹사철베고니아는 국표에는 없다. 하도 많은 종이라 어렵다. 사철베고니아 겹꽃이라는 것
렉스베고니아식물/들꽃-베고니아과(Begoniaceae) 2016. 10. 11. 11:51
렉스베고니아 과명 Begoniaceae (베고니아과) 속명 Begonia (베고니아속) 전체학명 Begonia rex Putz. 추천명 렉스베고니아 이명 외국명 King begonia; Painted-leaf begonia The fabulous foliage of Rex begonias (Begonia Rex-cultorum group) offers a large range of colors, shapes, and textures. The flowers are insignificant, but with leaves like these, who cares? Rex begonias headline the show for months on end in any shade garden, especially wh..
하타코아베고니아 '헬렌 루이스'식물/들꽃-베고니아과(Begoniaceae) 2016. 9. 17. 14:58
하타코아베고니아 '헬렌 루이스' 과명 Begoniaceae (베고니아과) 속명 Begonia (베고니아속) 전체학명 Begonia hatacoa 'Helen Lewis' 추천명 하타코아베고니아 '헬렌 루이스' 이명 외국명 Begonia 'Dancing Girl' Bloom Description: Helen Lewis Begonia produces creamy white flowers with white hairs. Leaves are ovate, dark wine red, to 6" long and margined with an isolated band of silver. Bloom Season: mid summer Sun Exposure: part sun Soil Type: Helen Lewis Beg..
베고니아 '댄싱 걸'식물/들꽃-베고니아과(Begoniaceae) 2016. 6. 26. 19:31
베고니아 '댄싱 걸' 과명 Begoniaceae (베고니아과) 속명 Begonia (베고니아속) 전체학명 Begonia 'Dancing Girl' 추천명 베고니아'댄싱걸' 이명 외국명 Begonia 'Dancing Girl' Begonias are tender perennials, grown for their colorful flowers and foliage. Most begonias can be grown outdoors in pots, in the ground, or in hanging baskets in filtered light and moist, but well drained soil. Where not hardy, grow as annuals or indoors as houseplants. ..
볼리비아 베고니아식물/들꽃-베고니아과(Begoniaceae) 2016. 6. 25. 14:55
볼리비아 베고니아 과명 Begoniaceae (베고니아과) 속명 Begonia (베고니아속) 전체학명 Begonia boliviensis A.DC. 추천명 볼리비아베고니아 이명 외국명 Begonia boliviensis is a plant in the begonia family, Begoniaceae, which was introduced to Europe in 1864 by Richard Pearce who discovered it in the Bolivian Andes, although the plant had previously been identified by Hugh Weddell in the same region but not introduced. Begonia boliviensis is of..
케이만타베고니아 '글로아 드 로렌'식물/들꽃-베고니아과(Begoniaceae) 2016. 3. 18. 15:02
케이만타베고니아 '글로아 드 로렌' 과명 Begoniaceae (베고니아과) 속명 Begonia (베고니아속) 전체학명 Begonia cheimantha 'Gloire De Lorraine' 추천명 케이만타베고니아 '글로아 드 로렌' 이명 외국명 Christmas begonia; Glooming-fool begonia; Lorraine begonia Begonia × cheimantha ‘Gloire de Lorraine’ (Begonia). This is one of the winter-flowering groups. This hybrid cultivar has single white to pale pink flowers which are borne mainly in the winter. The rou..
마쿨라타베고니아식물/들꽃-베고니아과(Begoniaceae) 2016. 1. 10. 19:30
마쿨라타베고니아 과명 Begoniaceae (베고니아과) 속명 Begonia (베고니아속) 전체학명 Begonia maculata Raddi Bot. Repos. 10 : t. 627 (1810) 추천명 마쿨라타베고니아 이명 외국명 trout begonia; spotted begonia Begonia maculata variegata, with its silver spotted leaves. Its nickname is “polka dot” and is a vigorous grower best suited for upright pots. https://www.themarthablog.com/2017/02/my-collection-of-begonias.html Growth Form: Shrub like c..