Begonia Tiki Carmen식물/들꽃-베고니아과(Begoniaceae) 2024. 9. 17. 19:44
국표에 없다.The Tiki Carmen Begonia is a hybrid "reed" and shrub type begonia. It can exceed 50 cm in height. It belongs to the so-called white-dot begonias. It is a very popular begonia due to its striking coloration and resistance. Its leaves are oval, with slightly irregular edges and deep green with silver spots. The underside of the leaf, like the stem, is intense red. Its flowers are small, clu..
Begonia White Ice식물/들꽃-베고니아과(Begoniaceae) 2024. 9. 17. 19:32
Product DescriptionBegonia White Ice is a cane species with dark green leaves with white spots. This begonia is a Texas hybrid created by Charles McGough. The flowers blossom pink. Begonias are hearty and beautiful plants to have in the house or in pots outside during the spring and summer.begonia White Ice (taylorgreenhouses.com)What is Begonia x Hiemalis White Ice?Begonia x hiemalis white ice ..
Begonia 'Cracklin' Rosie'식물/들꽃-베고니아과(Begoniaceae) 2024. 9. 17. 15:54
국표에 없다.DescriptionBegonia 'Cracklin' Rosie' is an upright cane-like begonia. The leaves are large and bronze color when young. They mature to a dark green with many silver dots. The back of the leaf is red and this shows up as the leaves have a natural curl to them. The hybridizer Walter Dworkin named this cultivar after Neil Diamond's song. This hybrid does not bloom very often but when it does..
Begonia ‘Snow Capped’식물/들꽃-베고니아과(Begoniaceae) 2024. 9. 17. 15:16
국표에 없다.The foliage of this magnificent Angel Wing carries the most intense silver spotting of any in our collection. Clusters of rose-red blooms drape from the tightly held foliage, creating a masterpiece of beauty. A restrained growth habit creates a full presentation that lends itself admirably to basket culture. For the best possible display of flowers, some direct sunlight is needed.Hardines..
Begonia 'Looking Glass'식물/들꽃-베고니아과(Begoniaceae) 2024. 9. 17. 14:54
국표에 없다. Begonia 'Looking Glass' (Cane Begonia) (gardenia.net) Plant Habit:Herb/ForbLife cycle:PerennialSun Requirements:Partial or Dappled ShadePartial Shade to Full ShadeWater Preferences:Wet MesicMesicSoil pH Preferences:Moderately acid (5.6 – 6.0)Slightly acid (6.1 – 6.5)Neutral (6.6 – 7.3)Plant Height:4 feetPlant Spread:5 feetLeaves:Unusual foliage colorSemi-evergreenVariegatedFlowers:ShowyI..
큰베고니아-[정명] Begonia grandis Dryand.식물/들꽃-베고니아과(Begoniaceae) 2024. 9. 12. 14:35
과명Engler- APG Ⅳ- Begoniaceae (베고니아과) 속명Begonia (베고니아속)전체학명[정명] Begonia grandis Dryand. 추천명큰베고니아비추천명가을베고니아영문명Hardy begonia분포800종 내외가 열대와 아열대에 널리 퍼져 있다.크기높이는 15~30cm이다.잎잎은 어긋나고 좌우가 같지 않으며 가장자리가 밋밋하나 갈라진다. 톱니는 있는 것도 있으며 대개 턱잎이 없다.꽃양성꽃으로 원뿔모양꽃차례를 이루고 수꽃 잎은 4개 중 2개가 작다. 암꽃은 꽃잎이 5개이고, 씨방에는 3개의 날개가 있으며 많은 종자가 생긴다.줄기줄기는 곧게 자라는 것과 덩굴성이 있고 근경 또는 비늘줄기가 있다. 많은 가지가 갈라진다.특징구근종, 근경종 및 섬근종의 3가지로 크게 나눈다. 국가생물종지식..
Begonia 'Chayo'식물/들꽃-베고니아과(Begoniaceae) 2024. 8. 25. 13:40
국표에 없다.There are over 2,000 species of Begonia, and horticulturalists have created even more varities by cultivating all sorts of shapes and colors! They're native to tropical regions around the world, but are now found in homes in cold climates as well. Their taxonomy is far more complex than other plants, with species belonging to different cultivar groups. They contain oxalic acid, so be sure..
Begonia 'Don Miller'식물/들꽃-베고니아과(Begoniaceae) 2024. 8. 25. 10:31
국표에 없다.Description Begonia 'Don Miller' is a shrub type begonia is a cross between the cane hybrid ‘Torch’ and the unidentified shrub species U062. This beautiful hybrid is easy to grow and branches readily to make a very full specimen. It thrives in the heat and has medium sized clusters of pink flowers in the spring, summer and fall. The flowers are usually pink but when it gets direct sun the..