식물/들꽃-몬티아과( Montiaceae)
Claytonia perfoliata Donn ex Willd.식물/들꽃-몬티아과( Montiaceae) 2022. 11. 17. 14:59
국표에 없다. Claytonia perfoliata (syn. Montia perfoliata), also known as miner's lettuce, Indian lettuce, winter purslane, or palsingat (Cahuilla), is a flowering plant in the family Montiaceae. It is an edible, fleshy, herbaceous, annual plant native to the western mountain and coastal regions of North America. Claytonia perfoliata is a tender rosette-forming plant that grows to some 30 centimetres..
Calandrinia sp.식물/들꽃-몬티아과( Montiaceae) 2022. 11. 15. 18:22
국표에 없다. Calandrinia are a large genus of flowering plants known as purslanes and redmaids. It includes over 100 species of annual and perennial herbs which bear colorful flowers in shades of red to purple and white. Plants of this genus are native to Australia, western South America, Central America, and western North America. Some species have been introduced to parts of New Zealand, southern A..
Cistanthe sp.식물/들꽃-몬티아과( Montiaceae) 2022. 11. 15. 17:39
Cistanthe is a plant genus which includes most plants known as pussypaws. These are small, succulent flowering plants which often bear brightly colored flowers, though they vary quite a bit between species in appearance. Some species have flowers that are tightly packed into fluffy-looking inflorescences, the trait that gives them their common name. Many are adapted to arid environments, with so..
Calyptridium umbellatum (Torr.) Hershk.식물/들꽃-몬티아과( Montiaceae) 2022. 11. 12. 09:45
국표에는 없다. Calyptridium umbellatum, synonym Cistanthe umbellata, is a species of flowering plant in the montia family known by the common name Mount Hood pussypaws or — especially outside the Pacific Northwest — simply pussy-paws. Calyptridium umbellatum is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Colorado, where it grows in a number of habitat types, including areas ..
Phemeranthus parviflorus (Nutt.) Kiger식물/들꽃-몬티아과( Montiaceae) 2022. 11. 4. 10:59
국표에 없다.Phemeranthus parviflorus, commonly called sunbright or prairie fame flower, is a species of flowering plant in the montia family (Montiaceae). It is native to North America, where it is found in the central and eastern United States and northern Mexico. Its natural habitat is in dry, sandy or rocky areas, typically on acidic substrates. Over its extensive range, it is found various commun..
Montinia caryophyllacea Thunb.식물/들꽃-몬티아과( Montiaceae) 2022. 11. 1. 13:58
국표에 없다. A twiggy shrub, 1–2(?4) m. high, almost glabrous (except for the leaf-axils and the base of the midribs). Provided by: [B].Flora Zambesiaca - descriptions Male flowers ± numerous in corymbs 4–7 cm. long, erect; pedicels up to 1 cm. long, bracteate; bracts subulate; calyx-tube expanded, c. 3 mm. in diameter with (?3)4(?5) triangular, very short, calyx-lobes; petals (?3)4(?5), 3–5 mm. long..