Argyreia cuneata Ker Gawl.식물/들꽃-메꽃과(Convolvulaceae) 2024. 11. 22. 09:50
국표에 없다.Argyreia cuneata is a perennial climbing shrub which is native to the Indian subcontinent and is related to Argyreia nervosa.Common names include purple morning glory, mahalungi, and kallana gida.DescriptionArgyreia cuneata is a perennial climbing shrub growing from 150–200 cm. Its stems are covered with soft white hair. The leaves are about 6 centimeters long by 2.5 wide with wedge-shape..
Ipomoea habeliana Oliv.식물/들꽃-메꽃과(Convolvulaceae) 2024. 11. 3. 21:19
국표에 없다.Ipomoea habeliana is an endemic, night-flowering member of the Galápagos flora. Pollination experiments, flower-visitor observations, nectar sampling, pollen transfer, and pollen to ovule ratio and pollen size studies were included in this project. The large, white flowers of this species set fruit via open pollination (55%), autonomous autogamy (51%), facilitated autogamy (91%), cross-po..
Distimake aegyptius (L.) A.R.Simões & Staples식물/들꽃-메꽃과(Convolvulaceae) 2024. 11. 3. 16:45
국표에 없다.Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 183(4): 573. 2017 [17 April 2017] [epublished] This name is reported by Convolvulaceae as an accepted name in the genus Distimake (family Convolvulaceae).The record derives from wcvp (data supplied on 2023-07-19) which reports it as an accepted name (record 525370-wcs )MorphologyStem: shoot twining; indumentum hirsute; hair simple bigger than 1 mm. Leaf: margin entire; ..
Convolvulus carrii B.L.Turner식물/들꽃-메꽃과(Convolvulaceae) 2024. 10. 23. 10:04
국표에 없다.DescriptionConvolvulus carrii (also called Bindweed, among many other common names) is a perennial plant native to the Mediterranean region. It has a twining habit and produces white or pink flowers. It is found in dry grasslands, scrublands, and coastal areas.Uses & BenefitsConvolvulus carrii is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and is also used as a ground cover.Flower, Seeds and S..
Convolvulus equitans Benth.식물/들꽃-메꽃과(Convolvulaceae) 2024. 10. 9. 09:47
국표에 없다.Convolvulus equitans, commonly known as Texas bindweed, is a species of morning glory. It is native to the central and western United States and Mexico. Its overlapping petals give C. equitans its name; equitans being Latin for "riding on horseback". Convolvulus equitans - Wikipedia
Ipomoea carnea Jacq.식물/들꽃-메꽃과(Convolvulaceae) 2024. 9. 13. 17:27
국표에 없다.Ipomoea carnea, the pink morning glory, is a species of morning glory that grows as a bush. This flowering plant has heart-shaped leaves that are a rich green and 6–9 inches (15–23 cm) long. It can be easily grown from seeds. These seeds are toxic and it can be hazardous to cattle; the toxicity is related to the swainsonine produced by its endophytes, and to bioaccumulation of selenium in..
새삼-[정명] Cuscuta japonica Choisy-식물/들꽃-메꽃과(Convolvulaceae) 2024. 8. 19. 18:53
과명Engler- APG Ⅳ- Convolvulaceae (메꽃과) 속명Cuscuta (새삼속)전체학명[정명] Cuscuta japonica Choisy추천명새삼 외국명 Asian large dodder, Japanese dodder, ネナシカズラ 분포진도, 전남(지리산), 전북, 경남, 경북, 충남, 충북, 강원(금강산), 경기(광릉, 천마산), 황해, 평북, 함북에 야생한다. 일본 오키나와, 중국, 만주, 아무르에 분포한다.생육환경칡이나 쑥 등에 기생하여 양분을 섭취한다.생육형기생 덩굴성 한해살이풀 .잎잎은 비늘같으며 길이 2mm정도로서 삼각형이다.꽃꽃은 8~9월에 피고 백색이며 꽃자루가 짧거나 없고 이삭꽃차례에 모여 달린 꽃이 다시 모여서 덩어리처럼 된다. 포는 비늘모양이고 꽃받침은 5개로 갈..
Ipomoea longifolia Benth.식물/들꽃-메꽃과(Convolvulaceae) 2023. 6. 19. 15:33
국표에 없다. Plant: perennial herb; somewhat fleshy, rhizomatous; stems trailing, decumbent or ascending Leaves: linear to oblong-lanceolate, entire, 10-12(-20) cm long, 2-4 cm wide, glabrous, the petioles 0.5-1.7 cm long INFLORESCENCE: axillary, mostly 1-flowered; peduncles 3.5-4(-11) cm long; bracts caducous Flowers: pedicels 2-3.5 cm long, mostly erect in fruit; sepals ovate, coriaceous, glabrous,..