두충- Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.식물/들꽃-두충과(Eucommiaceae) 2013. 12. 4. 12:34
과명 Eucommiaceae (두충과) 속명 Eucommia (두충속) 전체학명 Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.추천명 두충 이명 외국명 Eucommia ,トチュウ Eucommia ulmoides grows to about 15 m tall. The leaves are deciduous, arranged alternately, simple ovate with an acuminate tip, 8–16 cm long, and with a serrated margin. If a leaf is torn across, strands of latex exuded from the leaf veins solidify into rubber and hold the two parts of the leaf together. It flowers from March to May. The flowers are inconspicuous, small and greenish; the fruit, June to November, is a winged samara with one seed, very similar to an elm samara in appearance, 2–3 cm long and 1–2 cm broad. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eucommia_ulmoides