Tradescantia crassifolia Cav.식물/들꽃-닭의장풀과(Commelinaceae) 2022. 12. 24. 11:10
국표에 없다. Names Tradescantia crassifolia Cavanilles [family COMMELINACEAE], Icon., 1: 54, plate 75. 1791 Information Herbs, erect, rarely rooting at nodes. Roots tuberous, thick. Stems unbranched or sparsely branched, arachnoid-villous. Leaves 2-ranked, narrowing toward shoot apex; blade lanceolate-elliptic to ovate, 4--15 ´ 2--3.5 cm (distal leaf blades wider or narrower than sheaths when sheaths..
Tradescantia occidentalis (Britton) Smyth식물/들꽃-닭의장풀과(Commelinaceae) 2022. 12. 6. 15:34
국표에 없다. Tradescantia occidentalis, the prairie spiderwort or western spiderwort, is a plant in the dayflower family, Commelinaceae. It is common and widespread across the western Great Plains of the United States, as well as in Arizona, New Mexico, southern Utah, and Sonora, but is listed as a threatened species in Canada. Like in a few other species of Tradescantia, the cells of the stamen hair..
Tradescantia albiflora Kunth 'Albovittata'식물/들꽃-닭의장풀과(Commelinaceae) 2022. 10. 7. 11:36
Full name Tradescantia ‘Albovittata’. Name status Accepted, the valid name for a unique cultivar. Established with a description by Staff of the L. H. Bailey Hortorium (1976, p. 1119). Although the name in Latin should not be established after 1959 (Brickell et al., 2016, Art 21.11), it has become the most widely-used name and so is now accepted for the cultivar (Brickell et al., 2016, Art. 11.6..
Tradescantia Zebrina Red식물/들꽃-닭의장풀과(Commelinaceae) 2022. 3. 29. 15:06
Beautiful, deep, deep purple (red) leaves that show the faintest hint of typical ‘zebrina’ stripes. Grows like a regular Tradescantia Zebrina, and just as tolerant too! This Tradescantia prefers bright, indirect light and drying out partially between waterings. Deep Purple Inch Plant (Tradescantia Zebrina ‘Red’) – Tropicals & Houseplants › Anything Grows (anythinggrowsalberta.com)
Tradescantia 'Blushing Bride'식물/들꽃-닭의장풀과(Commelinaceae) 2022. 3. 29. 14:47
Tradescantia are scrambling plants, some of which flower in the morning and when the sun is shining. The 'spiderworts' form clumps. The flowers of tradescantia are triangular, with three petals, and are short-lived.This trailing perennial has variegated foliage and pink blooms that change to white from mid Summer to Autumn, and the leaves also turn from variegated to green Tradescantia hybrid 'B..
Tradescantia x andersoniana 'Ocean Blue'식물/들꽃-닭의장풀과(Commelinaceae) 2021. 11. 12. 13:07
These exceptional wild flowers do not only offer something completely different for the garden, they are also easy to cultivate and require little care. We are talking about the tradescantia, also called spiderworts. The three-leaf flowers are usually blue or violet, sometimes also pink and white. Some varieties belong to the indoor plants; others are suitable for being cultivated outside. Plant..
Tradescantia x andersoniana ‘Blushing Bride’식물/들꽃-닭의장풀과(Commelinaceae) 2021. 5. 22. 11:46
국표에 이 학명으로는 없다. Tradescantia x andersoniana ‘Blushing Bride’ is a trailing, tender perennial with pink and white variegated new growth that displays three-petaled, white flowers tinged with lilac pink. Leaves turn completely green when mature. Use Spiderwort as a groundcover, in mixed containers, or grow as a houseplant. Plant in humus rich, moist, well-drained soil. Cut back often to encourage ..
꽃자주달개비 '리틀 화이트 돌'-Tradescantia 'Little White Doll'식물/들꽃-닭의장풀과(Commelinaceae) 2020. 5. 20. 15:32
꽃자주달개비 '리틀 화이트 돌' 과명 Commelinaceae (닭의장풀과) 속명 Tradescantia (자주닭개비속) 전체학명 Tradescantia 'Little White Doll' 추천명 꽃자주달개비 '리틀 화이트 돌' 이명 외국명 White-gossamer,White-velvet 추천명변경: 자주닭개비 '리틀 화이트 돌' -> 꽃자주달개비 '리틀 화이트 돌' Tradescantia 'Little White Doll' | Family: Commelinaceae | Origin: Hybrid origin | Clear white flowers with feathery purplish anthers. Compact form with great foliage. Can be grown in full s..