Pentas lanceolata 'Graffiti Pink'식물/들꽃-꼭두서니과(Rubiaceae) 2019. 10. 1. 14:53
Pentas lanceolata 'Graffiti Pink' An outstanding series presenting dense, tight flower clusters, ensuring maximum color; extremely uniform growth habit; excellent for containers, gardens or borders Ornamental Features Graffiti® Pink Star Flower features showy corymbs of pink star-shaped flowers at the ends of the stems from late spring to early fall. Its large textured pointy leaves remain fores..
익소라 키넨시스 '패션 핑크'-Ixora chinensis 'Passion Pink'식물/들꽃-꼭두서니과(Rubiaceae) 2018. 11. 30. 19:40
익소라 키넨시스 '패션 핑크' Ixora chinensis 'Passion Pink' Related to the gardenia and coffee plants, Ixora is said to be native to Asia and whose name derives from an Indian deity. There are about 400 species spread from Africa to India to Southern Asia. They differ in leaf size, plant height, flower size and flower color. This plant which blooms throughout the yea..
좁은잎계요등-[정명] Paederia scandens (Lour.) Merr. var. angustifolia (Nakai) S.S.Ying식물/들꽃-꼭두서니과(Rubiaceae) 2018. 8. 14. 16:41
좁은잎계요등 과명 Rubiaceae (꼭두서니과) 속명 Paederia (계요등속) 전체학명 [정명] Paederia scandens (Lour.) Merr. var. angustifolia (Nakai) S.S.Ying 추천명 좁은잎계요등 이명 좁은잎계뇨등,가는잎계뇨등 외국명 Narrow-leaf skunk vine 분포 바다를 따라 대청도 및 울릉도에까지 분포한다. 형태 낙엽활엽의 덩굴성 식물. 생육환경 햇빛이 잘 드는 돌담이나 길가에 서식한다. 담장이나 잡목 줄기를 타고 올라가며 자란다. 토양은 물빠짐이 좋은 것이 바람직하며 특별한 시비관리는 필요하지 않다. 내한성은 약하며 건조한 땅에서 잘 견디고 바닷가의 해풍을 매우 좋아한다. 크기 길이 5-7m까지 자란다. 잎 잎이 좁고 긴 피침형이며 길이 3..
익소라 드러프 오렌지식물/들꽃-꼭두서니과(Rubiaceae) 2018. 6. 4. 14:00
익소라 드러프 오렌지 Ixora Dwarf Orange 국표에는 없다. Ixora is a genus of flowering plants in the Rubiaceae family. It consists of tropical evergreen trees and shrubs and holds around 500 species. Though native to the tropical and subtropical areas throughout the world, its center of diversity is in Tropical Asia. It is commonly known as West Indian Jasmine. The plants possess leathery leaves, ranging from 3 ..
Bouvardia ternifolia (Cav.) Schltdl.식물/들꽃-꼭두서니과(Rubiaceae) 2018. 3. 23. 19:38
부발디아Bouvardia ternifolia부바르디아,부발디아,보우바디아라고도 한다. 국표에는 없다.[나는 당신의 포로가 되었습니다.]-꽃말국표에 없다.Family Rubiaceae Botanical Name BOUVARDIA ternifolia Plant Common Name Firecrackerbush, Scarlet Bouvardia, Scarlet trompetilla General Description With glossy dark gray-green foliage, Firecrackerbush lives up to its moniker from summer to winter with clustered scarlet red flowers that look like elongated tru..
mussaenda erythrophylla식물/들꽃-꼭두서니과(Rubiaceae) 2017. 12. 26. 13:15
mussaenda erythrophylla 국표에는 없다. Mussaenda erythrophylla Schumach. & Thonn. Mussaenda erythrophylla, commonly known as Ashanti blood, red flag bush and tropical dogwood, is an evergreen West African shrub. The bracts of the shrub may have different shades, including red, rose, white, pale pink or some mixtures. Mussaenda erythrophylla grows best in warmly temperate..
필리핀 치자나무-Mussaenda philippica식물/들꽃-꼭두서니과(Rubiaceae) 2017. 12. 25. 17:18
필리핀 치자나무 Mussaenda philippicaMussaenda philippica is a plant species in the family Rubiaceae that grows as a shrub or small tree. Native to the Philippines it is commonly grown elsewhere as an ornamental species.Known varieties include: "Donna Laz" (pink), "Alicia Luz" (dark pink), "Queen Siricket" (light pink), "Donna Aurora" (white), and "Donna Envangellina" (da..
무늬백정화-[정명] Serissa japonica 'Variegata'식물/들꽃-꼭두서니과(Rubiaceae) 2017. 9. 15. 16:09
무늬백정화 과명 Rubiaceae (꼭두서니과) 속명 Serissa (백정화속) 전체학명 [정명]Serissa japonica 'Variegata' Nov. Gen. Pl. [Thunberg] 9 : 132 (1798) 추천명 무늬백정화 이명 백마골,백정꽃,두메별꽃 외국명 Scientific Name: Serissa foetida 'Variegata' Common Name: Variegated Serissa Plant Type: Evergreen Leaf Type: Broadleaf Hardiness Zone: 7, 8, 9 Determine Your Zone Height: 2- 5 feet Spread: 2 -3 feet Bloom time: Spring, Summer Flower color: Whit..