Podospermum roseum (Waldst. & Kit.) Gemeinholzer & Greuter식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2024. 12. 11. 10:40
Scorzonera rosea Waldst. & Kit.Familia: AsteraceaeSubfamilia: CichorioideaeTribus: CichorieaeSubtribus: ScorzonerinaeGenus: ScorzoneraSpecies: Scorzonera roseaNameScorzonera rosea Waldst. & Kit., Descr. Icon. Pl. Hung. 2: 127. (1803)SynonymsHomotypicScorzonera purpurea var. rosea (Waldst. & Kit.) Ledeb., Fl. Ross. 2: 792. (1846)Scorzonera purpurea subsp. rosea (Waldst. & Kit.) Nyman, Consp. Fl. ..
Homogyne alpina (L.) Cass.식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2024. 12. 11. 10:15
국표에 없다.Homogyne alpina, the Alpine coltsfoot or purple colt's-foot, is a rhizomatous herb in the family Asteraceae, which is often used as an ornamental plant. The plant has purple-red flowers, and it is usually associated with the gall flies Ensina sonchi and Acidia cognata.Homogyne alpina is a perennial plant that reaches a height of 10 to 40 centimeters. The rhizome is creeping woolly and sca..
Carduus personata (L.) Jacq.식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2024. 12. 11. 10:01
국표에 없다.Carduus personata is a perennial herbaceous plant in the family Asteraceae.EtymologyThe genus name Carduus is the classical Latin name for "thistle", also the species name (personata) derives from Latin ("personatus" = masked).Distribution and habitatThis species mainly occurs in the mountains of Central Europe, in the Alps, the Apennines, in the Carpathians, in the Sudetes and in the Bal..
Petasites hybridus (L.) G.Gaertn.식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2024. 12. 10. 16:11
Petasites hybridus, also known as the butterbur, is a herbaceous perennial flowering plant in the family Asteraceae that is native to Europe and northern Asia.Although used over centuries in traditional medicine to treat various disorders, there are no approved medical uses, but it is sold as a dietary supplement. Concerns about the potential toxic effects of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in butterbur..
Centaurea jacea L.식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2024. 12. 10. 13:28
국표에 없다.Centaurea jacea, brown knapweed or brownray knapweed, is a species of herbaceous perennial plants in the genus Centaurea native to dry meadows and open woodland throughout Europe. It grows to 10–80 centimetres (4–31 in) tall, and flowers mainly from June to September. It has simple leaves that are alternate in arrangement.In Britain and America, it is often found as a hybrid of black knap..
Petasites albus (L.) Gaertn.식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2024. 12. 10. 12:30
국표에 없다.Petasites albus, the white butterbur, is a flowering plant species in the family Asteraceae. It is native to central Europe and the Caucasus.DescriptionPetasites albus is a perennial rhizomatous herb, with large suborbicular (almost round) leaves covered with lax cottony hairs. The flower heads are compact racemes of composite flowers or capitula with white ligules. They are dioecious, th..
Hypochaeris uniflora Vill.식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2024. 12. 10. 10:54
국표에 없다.Hypochaeris uniflora is a species of flowering plant in the Asteraceae family.DescriptionVegetative traitsThe one-headed piglet herb is a deciduous, perennial herbaceous plant that reaches heights of 15 to 50 centimetres. The stem is erect, simple, one-headed, rarely two-headed, abundantly stiffly hairy, leafless or spareless.The stem leaves are stiff and grey-felted hairy. A basal leaf r..
Crepis aurea (L.) Cass.식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2024. 12. 9. 22:43
국표에 없다.Native to:Albania, Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Turkey, YugoslaviaFamilia: AsteraceaeSubfamilia: CichorioideaeTribus: CichorieaeSubtribus: CrepidinaeGenus: CrepisSpecies: Crepis aureaSubspecies: C. a. subsp. aurea – C. a. subsp. glabrescens – C. a. subsp. olympicaNameCrepis aurea (L.) Cass. in G.-F.Cuvier, Dict. Sci. Nat., ed. 2. 25: 88 (1822).https://youtu.be/owo..