전체 글
우수리꽃다지-[정명] Draba ussuriensis Pohle식물/들꽃-배추과(Brassicaceae) 2025. 1. 28. 09:39
한국의 십자화과 꽃다지속 식물 우수리꽃다지 (Draba ussuriensis Pohle)를 백두산에서 새로이 발견하여 보고한다. 본종의 특징은 꽃이 흰색이고 다년생인 점이 구름꽃다지(Draba mongolica Turczaninow)와 유사하지만, 줄기와 과경에 털이 없고 경엽의 수가 작은 점이 구름꽃다지와 다르다. 국명은 학명의 종소명에서 유래한 이름을 사용하였다. 또한 과거 백두산 및 관모봉 지역에서 자라는 구름꽃다지는 D. incana L., D. glabella Pursh, D. nipponica Makino, D. daurica DC. 등으로 혼돈하여 알려졌다. 그러나 백두산 및 관모봉에서 채집한 표본들을 조사하고 유연종들과 비교분석한 결과 D. mogolica로 밝혀져 그간 잘못 사용된 학명을..
로부스타워싱턴야자-[정명] Washingtonia robusta H.Wendl.식물/들꽃-야자나무과(Arecaceae) 2025. 1. 27. 12:34
Washingtonia robusta, known by common name as the Mexican fan palm, Mexican washingtonia, or skyduster is a palm tree native to the Baja California peninsula and a small part of Sonora in northwestern Mexico. Despite its limited native distribution, W. robusta one of the most widely cultivated subtropical palms in the world. It is naturalized in Florida, California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, ..
Thelypodiopsis shinnersii (M.E.Johnst.) Rollins식물/들꽃-배추과(Brassicaceae) 2025. 1. 27. 12:22
국표에 없다.Thelypodiopsis shinnersii (M. C. Johnston) Rollins, Contr. Gray Herb. 206: 13. 1976.Sisymbrium shinnersii M. C. Johnston, SouthW. Naturalist 2: 129. 1957, based on Thelypodium vaseyi J. M. Coulter, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 1: 30. 1890, not S. vaseyi S. Watson ex B. L. Robinson 1895Annuals; (often glaucous), glabrous throughout. Stems unbranched or branched distally, 3.5-8 dm. Basal leaves ..
Selaginella willdenowii (Desv. ex Poir.) Baker식물/들꽃-부처손과(Selaginellaceae) 2025. 1. 27. 10:34
국표에 없다.Selaginella willdenowii is a species of vascular plant in the Selaginellaceae family. It is a spikemoss known by the common names Willdenow's spikemoss and peacock fern due to its iridescent blue leaves. Like other Selaginallales, it is fern ally and not a true fern.Selaginella willdenowii is sometimes spelt incorrectly as Selaginella willdenovii.DescriptionThe blue iridescence is produce..
Selaginella watsonii Underw.식물/들꽃-부처손과(Selaginellaceae) 2025. 1. 27. 10:29
국표에 없다.Selaginella watsonii is a species of spikemoss known by the common name Watson's spikemoss. It is native to the western United States, where it grows in many rocky habitat types, including high mountain peaks in alpine climates. This lycophyte forms mats or cushions of short, forking stems. They are lined with linear or lance-shaped leaves no more than 4 millimeters long, often tipped wit..
Selaginella wallacei Hieron.식물/들꽃-부처손과(Selaginellaceae) 2025. 1. 27. 10:26
국표에 없다.Selaginella wallacei is a species of spikemoss known by the common name Wallace's spikemoss. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Montana, where it can be found in many types of habitat, including open and shaded areas, and wet to dry environments, often growing on and over rocks. This lycophyte is variable in appearance, its form depending on the h..
셀라기넬라 웅키나타-[정명] Selaginella uncinata (Desv.) Spring식물/들꽃-부처손과(Selaginellaceae) 2025. 1. 27. 10:22
Selaginella uncinata, the blue spikemoss, peacock moss, peacock spikemoss, or spring blue spikemoss, is a species of plant in the Selaginellaceae family.It is widely cultivated outdoors along the Gulf Coast of the United States and in greenhouses and nurseries. It is a native of southern China and is closely allied to Selaginella delicatula (Desvaux ex Poiret) Alston, also in part from China.Sel..
Selaginella umbrosa Lem. ex Hieron.식물/들꽃-부처손과(Selaginellaceae) 2025. 1. 27. 10:17
국표에 없다.Selaginella umbrosa is a species of plant in the Selaginellaceae family.Umbrosa is native to South America, ranging from Yucatán to Colombia and Venezuela. It can be found in Barbados and Tobago, where it is most likely not native. It has also been introduced to the Island of Hawaii, where it was first seen cultivated in 1994, and then wild in 2000. The plant prefers to grow in shaded are..