Zantedeschia albomaculata (Hook.) Baill.식물/들꽃-천남성과(Araceae) 2020. 7. 7. 15:11
Habit Tuber ± depressed-globose, ± 7 cm. in diameter. Leaves Petiole 20–40 cm. long, sheathed from base for about half total length; blade hastate-sagittate; median lobe oblong-lanceolate to ovate, 10–40 cm. long, 5–9 cm. broad, irregularly spotted with small, white-diaphanous, necrotic areas lacking green tissue; basal lobes 5–10 cm. long, truncate, rounded or subacute, widely spreading. Inflorescences Inflorescence subequal to leaves; peduncle 15–30 cm. long, 0.5–1.2 cm. in diameter. Spathe Spathe 9–12 cm. long; tube obconic, 5 cm. long, 2–3.5 cm. in diameter, inner surface lemon to greenish yellow, Tanzanian material lacking dark basal patch; limb broadly ovate, long-acuminate, 4–8 cm. long, 5–8 cm. broad, lemon to greenish yellow on inner surface. Spadix Spadix 5–6.5 cm. long, with naked basal stipe 0.5–0.8 cm. long; staminate part cylindric, subequal to pistillate part, 2–2.8 cm. long, 0.4 cm. in diameter; pistillate part cylindric, 2–2.5 cm. long, 0.8 cm. in diameter, lacking staminodes. Stamens Stamens 1 mm. long, 0.5 mm. broad. Pistil Pistil with subglobose ovary 2–3.5 mm. in diameter, narrowing abruptly into a slender 1 mm. long style; stigmas capitate.
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