Kniphofia식물/들꽃-백합과(Liliaceae) 2020. 6. 7. 13:16
Aloe speciosa (Tilt-head Aloe) - A generally single-stemmed tall succulent growing to 10 feet or more that carries its massive rosettes of leaves at a tilt off to one side. The slender long (to 36inch) bluish-green leaves have a pinkish tinge at their tips and leaf margins, which also have tiny soft teeth and the older leaves form a dry skirt lying downwards along the stem. In mid-winter (Jan/ Feb. in Santa Barbara) appear the stout tight foot-long cone-like inflorescenes that rise and branch close to the crown of the rosette. The flower buds are red and open a greenish-white with dark reddish brown to orange protruding stamens, giving a definite tri-color look to the inflorescence. Plant in full sun in a well-drained soil and irrigate occasionally to infrequently - this is a drought tolerant plant once established. Aloe speciosa is considered by some to be tender to frost since temperatures in its native habitat rarely are below 28 F but we have an older specimen in a cold spot in the nursery that has regularly survived temperatures in the mid 20캟 and Brian Kemble of the Ruth Bancroft Garden rates it to 20. A great specimen plant for the garden that is quite attractive to hummingbirds. Aloe speciosa is widely distributed in South Africa from the Western Cape to the Eastern Cape at elevations from between sea level to 3,300 feet. The specific epithet given this plant by John Gilbert Baker when he described in in the 1880 in the Journal of the Linnean Society is the Latin word 'speciosa' which means "showy" and is in reference to its beautiful flowers. The information on this page is based on research conducted in our nursery library and from online sources as well as from observations made of this plant as it grows in our nursery, in the nursery's garden and in other gardens that we have observed it in. We also will incorporate comments received from others and always appreciate getting feedback of any kind from those who have additional information, particularly if this information is contrary to what we have written or includes additional cultural tips that might aid others in growing Aloe speciosa.
Aloe speciosa - Tilt-head Aloe로 판단했으나
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백합과에 Kniphofia(니포 피아) 속이 있다는 것을 알게 되었다.
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니포 피아속이 20종이나 되었다.
재배식물 정명 Kniphofia 'Alcazar' 니포피아 '알카사르' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia 'Vanilla' 니포피아 '바닐라' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia 'Border Ballet' 니포피아 '보더 발레' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia citrina Baker 레몬니포피아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia ensifolia Baker 칼잎니포피아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia 'First Sunrise' 니포피아 '퍼스트 선라이즈' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia 'Flamenco' 니포피아 '플라멩코' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia galpinii Baker 갤핀니포피아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia hirsuta 'Fire Dance' 까칠니포피아 '파이어 댄스' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia linearifolia Baker 선엽니포피아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia 'Little Maid' 니포피아 '리틀 메이드' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia 'Nancy'S Red' 니포피아 '낸시스 레드' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia northiae Baker 노스니포피아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia pumila (Aiton) Kunth 애기니포피아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia sarmentosa (Andrews) Kunth 동화니포피아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia triangularis Kunth 삼각니포피아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia tuckii Baker 투키니포피아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia uvaria (L.) Oken 우바리아니포피아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia uvaria 'Grandiflora' 큰꽃우바리아니포피아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia 'Atlanta' 니포피아 '애틀랜타' 2011/12/08 20종 중 어느 것일까?
재배식물 정명 Kniphofia citrina Baker 레몬니포피아 2011/12/08 꽃 전체가 레몬색이라 제외했다.
재배식물 정명 Kniphofia 'Little Maid' 니포피아 '리틀 메이드' 2011/12/08 니포피아 '리틀 메이드'도 www.perennials.com/plants/kniphofia-little-maid.html에서 This compact selection features spikes that open lemon-yellow, aging to creamy-white. 이렇게 설명한다.
재배식물 정명 Kniphofia 'Nancy'S Red' 니포피아 '낸시스 레드' 2011/12/08 니포피아 '낸시스 레드'도 www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/PlantFinder/PlantFinderDetails.aspx?taxonid=267675&isprofile=0&에서 Bloom Description: Dusky coral red(산호 붉은색)로
재배식물 정명 Kniphofia northiae Baker 노스니포피아 2011/12/08 노스니포피아 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kniphofia_northiae에서 robust evergreen perennial with handsome curved leaves resembling an aloe.(알로에와 닮은 잘생긴 곡선 잎이 있는 튼튼한 상록수.)라 제외했다.
4종을 제외했으나 나머지 16종을 어떻게 구분하는가? 어렵다.
재배식물 정명 Kniphofia 'Alcazar' 니포피아 '알카사르' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia 'Vanilla' 니포피아 '바닐라' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia 'Border Ballet' 니포피아 '보더 발레' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia ensifolia Baker 칼잎니포피아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia 'First Sunrise' 니포피아 '퍼스트 선라이즈' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia 'Flamenco' 니포피아 '플라멩코' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia galpinii Baker 갤핀니포피아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia hirsuta 'Fire Dance' 까칠니포피아 '파이어 댄스' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia linearifolia Baker 선엽니포피아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia pumila (Aiton) Kunth 애기니포피아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia sarmentosa (Andrews) Kunth 동화니포피아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia triangularis Kunth 삼각니포피아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia tuckii Baker 투키니포피아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia uvaria (L.) Oken 우바리아니포피아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia uvaria 'Grandiflora' 큰꽃우바리아니포피아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Kniphofia 'Atlanta' 니포피아 '애틀랜타' 2011/12/08 니포피아 '바닐라'-'Vanilla' is a deciduous, clump-forming perennial to 100cm tall with narrow, grass-like foliage and slender spikes bearing creamy-yellow buds opening to soft yellow flowers from summer into early autumn -꽃의 색-아니오
니포피아 '보더 발레'-'Border Ballet' _ 'Border Ballet' is a seed strain of compact, clump-forming, herbaceous perennials with arching, strap-shaped, blue-green leaves and, from midsummer to early autumn, sturdy, erect, stems bearing terminal racemes of flowers in shades of red, pink, yellow, orange, or cream.
칼잎니포피아-Herbaceous species and hybrids have narrow, grass-like leaves 10–100 cm (4–39 in) long, while evergreen species have broader, strap-shaped foliage up to 1.5 m (5 ft) long. All plants produce spikes of upright, brightly coloured flowers well above the foliage, in shades of red, orange and yellow, often bicoloured. The flowers produce copious nectar while blooming and are attractive to bees and sunbirds. In the New World they may attract nectarivores such as hummingbirds and New World orioles.
니포피아 '퍼스트 선라이즈'-‘First Sunrise’ makes a striking alternative to the traditional Red Hot Poker. Bright orange torch-shaped flower spikes stand tall above compact clumps of green, strappy foliage. Ideal for making a statement in your beds or borders, or for growing in a large pot in a sunny location.
Named in honour of Professor Kniphof, a German botanist, Kniphofias are a popular choice in architectural planting schemes. Their tall flowers provide interest, drama and height to any garden, similar to Verbascum and Digitalis. Easy to grow as long as you have good drainage.-꽃의 색 -아니오
니포피아 '플라멩코'-Award-winning Kniphofia 'Flamenco Mix' brings a bright glow to the border with its densely packed spikes of red, orange, yellow and creamy tubular flowers from early to late summer! ... The stout flowering scapes rise proudly above tufted clumps of long, arching, narrow leaves. Growing up to 2-3 ft.
갤핀니포피아-K. galpinii is an evergreen perennial, to around 80cm tall, with slender, grassy foliage and heads of orange tubular flowers with redder tips-꽃의 색-아니오
까칠니포피아 '파이어 댄스'-Best grown in evenly moist, well-draining soils in full sun. Hardy in Zones 7-9. Possibly hardy to Zone 6. This species of red-hot poker is one of the most cold hardy due to the relatively high altitude of its native range.
'Fire Dance' is more cold hardy than the species, and will survive in Zone 4. A winter mulch is recommended in the colder parts of its hardiness range. Wet winter soils will also prove fatal to this plant, so well-draining soil should be provided. Tolerant of some drought and drier soils once established. Deadhead to encourage reblooming.선엽니포피아-Robust clump-forming perennial herb, up to 1.5 m. Leaves linear, strongly keeled. Inflorescence a dense terminal raceme. Flowers orange-red in bud, turning yellow when open.
애기니포피아-Flowers Flowers yellow to orange-yellow or red; perianth-tube campanulate, 9–19 mm long, 2 mm wide around the ovary, slightly constricted above the ovary, 6–7 mm wide at the mouth; stamens exserted for 10–13 mm, filaments yellow to red, anthers orange or red; style exserted for 13–15 mm.
동화니포피아-Published in 1961. Flowering and fruiting branch and a leaf in colour, flower details and leaf cross-sections in pencil.
Kniphofia sarmentosa (Andrews) Kunth has strap-shaped leaves and reddish flowers, becoming buff with exserted anthers.
Kniphofia uvaria - (L.)Hook.로 판명
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