셀라기넬라 크라우시아나식물/들꽃-부처손과(Selaginellaceae) 2020. 3. 20. 22:46
셀라기넬라 크라우시아나
Selaginella kraussiana(Kunze) A.Braun
과명 - Selaginellaceae (부처손과)
속명 - Selaginella (부처손속)
Selaginella kraussiana(Kunze) A.Braun
추천명 셀라기넬라 크라우시아나
이명 셀라기넬라크라시아나,셀라기넬라크라우스씨아나
외국명 Spreading clubmoss; Trailing spike moss; mat spike mossSelaginella trailing
추천명변경: 크라우시아나셀라지넬라 -> 셀라기넬라 크라우시아나
Description: Perennial plant; main stems prostrate with leaves less crowded than on lateral branches, creeping, repeatedly branched.
Leaves in 4 rows, dimorphic; leaves on upper surface of stems reduced to 1–2 mm long and appressed, the others 2–4 mm long, broad-lanceolate and spreading on the surface of the ground, margins minutely toothed.
Strobili lateral, 10–20 mm long, 4-angled from the 4 rows of keeled sporophylls; megasporangia usually solitary at the base of each strobilus.
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