
  • Sedum hintonii R.T.Clausen-Sedum mocinianum
    식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2020. 3. 4. 11:03

    더블클릭을 하시면 이미지를 수정할 수 있습니다Sedum hintonii R.T.Clausen

    국표에는 없고

    흰토니라 알려진 것이다.

    Sedum mocinianum


    블로그 93건,웹문서 323건,카페 112건,쇼핑하우 55건,이미지 401건

    카카오스토리 11건(다음2020.03.04)


    블로그 459건,5웹문서 36건,카페 604건,쇼핑하우 14건,이미지 1217건(다음2020.03.04)

    희다의 뜻이 있는 흰토니가 아니고 영문자 발음으로 보는 힌토니다.

    Sedum hintonii R.T.Clausen

    Description: Sedum hintonii is one of the most attractive of all sedums. It is a perennial mat forming succulent plant, up to 20 cm tall with prostrate rhizomes and up to 5 mm in diameter. It forms dense rosettes bearing tiny egg-shaped leaves, densely covered with white hairs. Little white flowers appear in winter, and in April in Mexico, always a welcome time. Sedum hintonii is best distinguished by the dense covering of white hairs on all its stems, leaves and sepals.
    Stems: Several, robust and short (plants are almost acaulescent).
    Rosette. Lax, 3-10 cm in diameter.
    Leaves: Basal leaves oblong or elliptical, pale green, densely pubescent, 1.5-5 cm long and .3-10 mm wide.
    Inflorescences: Open panicls, with broadly spreading branches and sessile flowers. Flowering stem up to 24 cm long with oblanceolate bracts leaves. Pedicels 8-14 mm long to absent.
    Flowers: White and star-shaped. Sepals ellliptical to ovate 2-2.5 mm long. Petals oblong-lanceolate, ovate-tiangula, recurved, white, and 4-5(-6) mm long, 2.7 mm wide.
    Similar species: Sedum mocinianum and S. hintonii, both hairy plants and both hailing from Mexico are often mislabeled in cultivation, but the inflorescences of S. hintonii is far longer than those of S. mocinianum. The true S. hintonii is seldom found in cultivation, so most of the plants carrying the label "Sedum hintonii" are actually Sedum mocinianum. Among sedums mistakes are more common than anyone might like.


    These has for some time been a mix up between Sedum hintonii and Sedum mocinianum with a recent rename of what we have known as S.hintonii is Sedum piaxtlaense.

    Sedum piaxtlaense has rather short very fat and fury green leaves with short flower spikes 5 to 6 cm long (when it grows in bright area, growing in shade the flower stem will be longer than normal) with very small leaf petioles on the flower stem culminating with white flowers and yellow stamens.

    Sedum mococinianum on the other hand has longer leaves that are more bluish with many individual long hairs (not fur) flower stems are much longer to about 16 to 18 cm in good light, Leaf petioles on the flower spike are quiet large or prominent the flowers are white with darker brown stamens.

    Please note Sedum piaxtlaense is much faster to grow than Sedum mococinianum which can be very prone to rotting in winter..


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