homalomena variegata식물/들꽃-천남성과(Araceae) 2019. 9. 20. 16:45
homalomena variegata
Variegated Name " Homalomena Wallisii Prakaydow Variegated "
Very Beautiful Compact Variegated Plant full Growth tall not over 1 m.Beautiful white Spots scattered around the Leaf
!! Rare Hard to fine !!
Plant Care : Should be grown in soil or sandy soil. Is that grow well in the shade and the sun. But is that like a lot of water. It should be watered regularly, both morning and evening.Shipped Plant Shipped with Corm rooted Tall 4-5 inch. Cutting some Truck and All Leaf a Healthy Plant Barerooted , no soil.
Shipped by Thai Register Air Mail Shipping Cost First plant Start $15 ,Addition $6 per plant
Shipping time 14 - 20 Business Days up to your custom.http://www.bkinterplants.com/index.php/all/musa-banana-chiliocarpa-back-568.html'식물 > 들꽃-천남성과(Araceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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