Ferocactus recurvus-진주식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2019. 5. 9. 07:34
Ferocactus recurvus
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Accepted Scientific Name: Ferocactus latispinus subs. spiralis (Karw. ex Pfeiff.) N.P.Taylor
Cactaceae Consensus Init. 5: 13. 1998
Ferocactus recurvus->Ferocactus latispinus
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Flowers: Campanulate, very pale pink with darker purple midveins and a deep almost maroon-pink throat and fragrant up to 2,5-4 cm long and about 3 cm broad. Perianth segments narrow, acute. Scales on the ovary ovate and closely imbricated. Scales on flower tube similar similar to those on the ovary but longer.(꽃 : 캄파 네이트, 어두운 보라색 중간 정맥이 있는 매우 창백한 분홍색, 깊고 거의 적갈색 분홍색의 목구멍과 길이 2,5-4cm, 너비 약 3cm의 향기가납니다. 난소 난소의 비늘과 아주 가깝게 얽혀 있어요. 난소와 비슷하지만 더 긴 꽃 튜브의 비늘.)다음번역번역이 마음에 들지 않지만 꽃색은 짐작이 간다.꽃도 아니고
Areoles: Large with grey to blackish felt atop bumps along the ribs.(늑골을 따라 움푹 들어간 곳에서 회색에서 검은색으로 큼지막하게 느껴졌다.)다음번역
Radial spines: 5-7 up to 2,5 cm long, stouter than in the standard species, straight, widely spreading out, annulate white, yellow, pink or reddish. Lacking the more delicate spider-like lateral spines of Ferocactus latispinus.(방사형 등뼈 : 길이 5-7 ~ 2,5cm, 표준 종보다 더 뻣뻣하고 직선이며 넓게 퍼져 있으며 흰색, 노란색, 분홍색 또는 붉은 색을 띠고 있습니다. 페로락투스 라티스피누스의 좀 더 섬세한 거미 같은 측면 등뼈가 부족했다.)다음번역
Central spines: one large, broad, flat and recurved at the tip, up to 7 cm long and 4-9 mm broad. This prominent spine is usually red, brownish-red or grey-red, but may be amber-coloured.(중하나의 크고 넓으며 평평하며 끝에서 길이 7cm, 너비 4-9mm까지 재발했습니다. 이 눈에 띄는 척추는 일반적으로 빨간색, 갈색 또는 회색 - 빨간색이지만 호박색일 수 있습니다.앙 등뼈 : 길이가 7cm, 너비가 4-9mm인 팁에서 크고 넓으며 평평하며 재발합니다. 이 눈에 띄는 척추는 일반적으로 빨간색, 갈색 또는 회색 - 빨간색이지만 호박색일 수 있습니다.) 다음번역다음번역은 좀 이상하다.
Radial spines: 5-7 up to 2,5 cm long은 맞는 것 같은데
Central spines는 다르다.
Ferocactus recurvus,Ferocactus latispinus은 아니다.
1.ferocactus cylindraceus
Stem: Green, spherical becoming columnar up to 2 m tall and 30 cm in diameter.
Ribs: 2,5 cm high and tuberculate.
Central spines: A large central spine and three auxiliary centrals form a crucifix shape. The primary central is 7-15 long, angles down and is slightly to moderately hooked, sometimes to 90 degrees. The other centrals are from 5 to 7,5 cm long. The centrals are noticeably ring ridged and flattened, with a flat upper surface and rounded lower surface. Spines can be very light grey to red and yellow, but darken to black with age.
Flowers: Yellow tinged with red appear in May and June at the crown of the plant, 4 to 6 cm.http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/10102/Ferocactus_cylindraceus2.ferocactus glaucescens
Stems: Glaucous grey, up to 55 cm in height, 50 cm in diameter. Globular depressed at the apex, it becomes shortly columnar as it ages.
Ribs: 11 to 15
Radial spines: 6 or 7, 2.5-4 cm long, straight, light yellow.
Central spines: 0 or 1, very similar to the radials.
Flowers: Lemon yellow, funnel-shaped, 3-4 cm in diameter. The tepals are oblong, lanceolate, silky, shining, the margins are finely fringed. Stamen, style and stigma are yellow. Stigma lobes 12-15.http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/1532/Ferocactus_glaucescens3.ferocactus histrix
Stem: Globular to short-cylindric up to 110 cm tall and 50-60(-80) cm in diameter, bluish green with large, depressed, woolly stem tips.
Ribs: to 20-40 or more.
Areoles: 2 to 3 cm apart, almost confluent in old plants.
Spines: 10 to 12 stout, amber yellow, becoming brown, red to brown at base.
Central spines: 1-4 uppermost 2-1 to 3,5 cm, lowermost, much stouter and longer, 4-6(-9) cm long, porrect or ascending, annulate, sometimes flattened or angular in cross section, and often slightly down-curved, except in young plants.
Radial spines: Slender-subulate 6-9 2 to 3 cm. long, more or less spreading.
Flowers: Bell shaped, 2-3,5 cm long, 2,5 cm in diameter, bright yellow, sometimes reddish; inner perianth-segments linear-oblong, acute, somewhat spreading; stigma-lobes 6, linear, green; scales on the ovary ovate, acute, small, 2 to 4 mm long, somewhat ciliate. It is an obligate outcrossing cactus. Pollen is released 1 to 2 days after anthesis. At this stage the stigma lobes are closed, and the pollinators usually land directly on the stamens to reach the nectary. In this way, pollen can be easily collected. After 2 to 3 days of opening, the stigma lobes expand and are used by pollinators as a landing platform. and pollen from others flowers can be deposited (del Castillo 1994). Therefore, self pollination within the same flower is avoided but the transfer of pollen from one flower to another in the same plant is not, as flowering is sequential.http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/4300/Ferocactus_histrix4.ferocactus horridus
5.ferocactus peninsulae
Ferocactus peninsulae Synonyms Ferocactus horridus Britton & Rose(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferocactus_peninsulae)Stem: Unbranched, erect, up to 2,5 meters high (but usually about 70 cm), up to 40 across. Spherical, ovoid, clavate to cylindric to tapering toward the apex dark blue-green.
Ribs: 12 to 20, prominent, acute.
Areoles: Young areoles brown-felted, circular up to 20 mm long, constricted between the flower and the spine-bearing section, 4 cm apart or even less in old plants.
Central spines: 4, forming a cross, reddish with yellow tips, greyish or brown, the lower one flattened, strongly hooked, annulate.
Radial spines: 6-13 (usually more than 10) brownish or white, spreading, variable, straight, slender, terete, more or less annulate, the lower ones stouter and more colored, sometimes twisted and bristle-like.
Flowers: Broadly funnelform, 5-6 cm long red to yellow with orange to red midveins.http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/11977/Ferocactus_peninsulae6.ferocactus horridus v. brevispinus
Stem: Round to elongated dark green 25-40 cm in diameter 40-100 tall and attaining exceptionally a height of 2,5 metres, which is unusual for the genus.
Central spines: Has a very short but strong, recurving brownish-grey, large central spine. Slightly hooked or just with a slight kink at the end. Very dark red to almost black that can take a chalky colour ageing.
Radial spines: 7-10 short, straight but stout
Flower: Orange/Yellow and have orange or red midviens.http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/16553/Ferocactus_horridus_f._brevispinus7.ferocactus stainesii= pilosus
Stem: Columnar deep green up to 2,4(-3) m tall and 30 to 40 cm in diameter, with several subsidiary barrels growing from the main one.
Ribs: 13-20, compressed, more or less undulate.
Areoles: Distant to closely set and almost contiguous in older specimens, circular.
Radial spines: Sometime absent or usually reduced to long white or straw coloured hairs on the areoles that appears later with age.
Central spines: Several, subulate-acicular, stright or slightly curved, more or less flattened and angular at first bright red/purplish becoming dull yellow with age, but some populations also boast yellow-spined individuals, and the white bristles are occasionally absent.
Flowers: Yellow to red, about 2,5 cm long, scales on the ovary numerous, orbicular, imbricated, inner perianth segment oblanceolate, obtuse or apiculate.http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/13424/Ferocactus_pilosus8.ferocactus viridescensStems: Pale to deep green, somewhat glossy, erect, mostly depressed-globose or globose (to short cylindric), with little apical pubescence, usually 10-30(-45)cm tall and 10-20(-35) cm in diameter.
Roots: Fibrous root system.
Ribs:: 13-21, 1-2 cm tall somewhat rounded, obtuse, undulate shallowly notched immediately above each areole.
Areoles: Narrow elliptic to oval 10-20 mm long with brownish tomentum, spine-bearing in the lower part, felted in upper part, flower-bearing and also with several reddish glands, these becoming elongated and spinescent in age.
Spines: 10-19 per areole, central spines and larger radial spines pink or yellowish, becoming duller by age or turning yellow or horn-coloured, smallest spines per areole slender, sometimes bristle-like, less than 1 mm diam. (rarely absent).
Central spines: 4 per areole forming a cross, spreading at about 45° angles, the lower one stronger and more flattened, narrowly elliptic in cross section, straight or slightly curved, conspicuously annulate, principal central spine 30-50 cm long and 2-3(-5) mm broad. As younger plant does have colourful spines.
Radial spines: 10-20 per areole, similar to the centrals but smaller 1-2 cm long, spreading irregularly, stiff and straight.
Flowers: Infundibuliform 2,5-5 long 3-6 cm on diameter, colour similar inside and out. Perianth-segments oblong, obtuse, sometimes apiculate, more or less serrulate on the margins, greenish yellow or greenish with some pink, sometimes with reddish brown midstripes; flower-tube bearing stamens almost to the top of the ovary; scales on the ovary orbicular, imbricate. Stigma lobes yellow.http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/13617/Ferocactus_viridescens9.ferocactus wislizeniiStem: Simple or occasionally sparsely branched from base, globular to cylindrical, 45-80 cm in diameter, up to 2 tall, rare specimens to 3 (or more) m high, epidermis leathery asparagus green.
Ribs: 20-28(-30) sharp ribs, occasionally spiralled, not strongly tuberculate, about 3 cm tall. The ribs appears like accordion pleats on the body of the plant. With abundant moisture the pleats are less pronounced, but they become deeper as the cactus uses its reserves of water during drought.
Areoles: Large, oval to elliptic, brown-tomentose in youth, spaced 2-3 cm apart in flowering portion, later nearly close to each other.
Spines: The spines are dense, somewhat obscuring the surface of the stem, the number of spines varies in size, number, and colour depending on the plant maturity. The spines will be thinner when grown in shade. The spines have cross-ridging on their flattened surface
Central spines: 4 cruciform, (occasionally more), ashy grey to white or reddish, upper three usually similar, terete, straight, about 3.8-5 cm long, the lower strongest, larger 3.8-5.0 cm long, at least one (the lower) flattened laterally, larger, curved inward and hooked, often hooked at tip, often 8-10 cm long, 5 mm. Wide.
Radial spines: 12 to 20 variable, from bristle-like to acicular, up to 4.5-5 cm in length.
Flowers: Its flowers colour is varies from yellow to (usuallly) firey orange-yellow with reddish midribs and brown tips or nearly red. About 4-7 cm long and broad. Inner perianth segments ovate to lanceolate, about 20 mm long, 5-10 mm wide, red with yellow margins or sometimes pure yellow.
Flowers form on growth of the current season in circle around top of plant (around meristem).http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/16130/Ferocactus_wislizeni'식물 > 들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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