하워르티아 바에리-Haworthia bayeri J.D.Venter & S.A.Hammer식물/들꽃-백합과(Liliaceae) 2019. 4. 26. 15:53
하워르티아 바에리
Haworthia bayeri J.D.Venter & S.A.Hammer
국표에는 없다.
Description: Haworthia bayeri is one of the most spectacular retuse-leaved species highly sought-after for its beautiful leaf markings, but is slow growing and still very rare in cultivation. The random fine white white strips across the olive-green to red leaf surfaces is extremely variable and a number of nicely marked clones has been selected by growers, especially in Japan. The best of this clones have a "traffic stopping" appeal and are high-priced. Some specimens have an extra shiny almost glassy surface.
Similar species: Haworthia bayeri shares some characteristics with Hawothia emelyae and in past it was included under it.
Habit: Rosettes mostly solitary, stemless, 8-10 cm in diameter, but occasionally may form a small mound over time.
Leaves: 15-20 triangular, retuse, lime green, dark brownish-green, blackish-green, or reddish, slightly scabrid, more or less glassy, keels and margins with minute spines or smooth, tip rounded and not pointed, the end-area opaque, cloudy-transparent, with sparse reticulate patterning or longitudinal white or pink lines.
Inflorescence: Raceme lax (bearing 15-25 flowers), up to 30 cm tall, single, unbranched, erect and wiry.
Flowers: Whitish. The flower's Structure, colour and fruits are typical of the genus.http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/SUCCULENTS/Family/Aloaceae/13285/Haworthia_bayeri'식물 > 들꽃-백합과(Liliaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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