Nematanthus Gregarius Cheerio식물/들꽃-괭이귀과(Gesneriaceae) 2019. 4. 24. 17:18
Nematanthus Gregarius Cheerio
Nematanthus ‘Cheerio’ has survived as a very special minor flowering plant since it was created by Bill Saylor of Brewster MA in 1977. A hybrid between two species, N. wettsteinii and N. radicans (gregarious), which by great fortune inherited the best from both parents, plus vigor.
N. wettsteinii is the smallest Nematanthus species with shiny leaves and orange candy corn - like flowers. N. radicans has shiny leaves but does not flower quickly. Both grow slowly.
N. ‘Cheerio’ has midsized shiny leaves with an orange guppy shaped flower at every leaf axil. It is seen occasionally in the commercial system in hanging baskets.
http://garysspecialtyplants.blogspot.com/2013/02/will-there-ever-be-nematanthus-better.htmlIts bright orange flowers really do look like goldfish, which is the origin of the common name of the plant known botanically as Nematanthus gregarius. Native to the rainforests of Brazil, the goldfish plant grows upright when it is young, but the branches flop over and it appears to trail as it ages. The leaves and stems are thick, fleshy and somewhat succulent-looking. Check the plant frequently for mealybugs and spider mites, two insect pests that plague members of the Nematanthus genus.
https://www.hunker.com/12000555/how-to-care-for-the-nematanthus-gregarius-gold-fish-plantNematanthus gregarius ‘Golden West'
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