
  • Hoya rosita
    식물/들꽃-Asclepiadaceae과 2019. 4. 22. 22:45


    국표에는 없으며 국표에는 국표에는 정명으로 호야(Hoya carnosa (L.f.) R.Br.),호야 픽타 그룹(Hoya carnosa Picta Group),랑케올라타 벨라호야(Hoya lanceolata subsp. bella (Hook.) D.H.Kent) 3종이다.

    hoya rosita

    Hoya wayetii x tsangii cv. Rosita

    Hoya - wayetii x tsangii - cv. Rosita

    Hoya - wayetii

    Hoya wayetii is almost always found in the big box stores in the summertime.  It is a must have Hoya.  Blooms readily, easy care, and adaptibility are all traits for this plant.  It will in all liklihood be mislabled as H. kentiana; so bear that in mind when picking one up.  Here is a time-lapse video including footage of H. wayetii’s blooms


    Pointed, narrow leaves with brown edges. Flowers are fuzzy, ball-shaped, and have a light fragrance. Maroon/Purple with darker flowers in the center. Fragrance is sweet like butter
    scotch. It has a lot of nectar.

    Hoya tsangii

    This Hoya produces delicate tiny yellow flowers with a sweet fragrance. A mature specimen can be covered in flowers during the warm months. This species has small leaves and makes a beautiful hanging basket plant for your patio.

    This species was formerly Hoya odetteae. This is the true H. tsangii that produces delicate tiny yellow flowers that have a sweet scent. The flowers start more greenish and get more bright yellow after a while. The leaves are small, narrow, long, and light green and it looks nice in a hanging basket. once mature, this Hoya is a great bloomer. My mother plant has been covered in umbels of flowers every single day from spring until now in the fall. This cutie is rarely offered. It is native to The Philippines. We grow our Hoyas outside in filtered light, keep soils slightly dry, and protect from cold temperatures. 

























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