틸란드시아 벨루티나-Tillandsia Velutina식물/들꽃-파인애플과(Bromeliaceae) 2019. 4. 21. 10:25
틸란드시아 벨루티나
-Tillandsia Velutina
The Velutina air plant is from the same family as the Brachycaulos air plant, and has quite a few similarities. They both feature wide, thick, leaves. The shade of the Velutina plant ranges from the prettiest soft sage green, to bright lime green, to a lovely moss green. It will also transition to a blush mauve color as it matures. And instead of the smooth waxy texture of the Brachycaulos, the leaves of the Velutina air plant are velvety soft to the touch.
It can also develop a lovely yellow and pink leaves when the plant blooms. And when it does produce a spike and flower, the spike is a brilliant and eye catching bright red.
https://www.hemleva.com/journal/velutinaTillandsia velutina is a venerable species that has been around the trade for a long time because it's one of the easily collectible plants from nature. It was known for many years as T. brachycaulos v. multiflora. It has velvety leaves due to it's more pronounced trichome covering on the leaves. This lessens the brightness of the color at anthesis (flowering) but for those who like pastels, this is a great choice. Also, the leaves tend to be thicker and are a more olive color than than the standard T. brachycaulos.
http://www.rainforestflora.com/store/tillandsia/A11750/velutina/'식물 > 들꽃-파인애플과(Bromeliaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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