Rhodanthe anthemoides (Sieber ex Spreng.) Paul G.Wilson식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2019. 3. 19. 17:24
국표에는 없다.
바스라기꽃 ,종이꽃, 밀짚꽃, 노단새 등으로도 불린다学名:Helipterum anthemoides
(シノニム)Rhodanthe anthemoides
草丈:20~25cmの多年草( 1年草扱い )
原産地:オーストラリアhttps://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/yama3_hana6_2/1337707.htmlRhodanthe, also known as sunray or pink paper daisy, is a genus of Australian plants in the pussy's-toes tribe within the daisy family.
R. chlorocephala subsp. rosea
The name Rhodanthe is derived from Greek rhodon, rose and anthos, flower.
Many Rhodanthe species were formerly classed under different genera, including Helipterum, Podotheca, Acroclinium and Waitzia.
- Rhodanthe anthemoides (Sieber ex Spreng.) Paul G.Wilson
By C T Johansson - Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=39755784
Rhodanthe anthemoides-IMG 9309 - Rhodanthe anthemoides - Wikipedia- Rhodanthe battii (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
By Kevin Thiele from Perth, Australia - Rhodanthe battii, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=63460384
Rhodanthe battii - Flickr - Kevin Thiele - Rhodanthe battii - Wikipedia- Rhodanthe floribunda (DC.) Paul G.Wilson
By Poyt448, Peter Woodard - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=103613091
Rhodanthe floribunda Mount Oxley - Rhodanthe floribunda - Wikipedia- Rhodanthe manglesii Lindl.
By Kevin Thiele from Perth, Australia - Rhodanthe manglesii, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=63397357
Rhodanthe manglesii - Wikipedia국표에는 한 종
재배식물 정명 Rhodanthe manglesii Lindl. 로단세 Helipterum, Podotheca, Acroclinium and Waitzia. 로는 국표에서 검색되지 않는다.
- Rhodanthe anthemoides (Sieber ex Spreng.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe ascendens Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe battii (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe charsleyae (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe chlorocephala (Turcz.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe citrina (Benth.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe collina Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe condensata (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe corymbiflora (Schltdl.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe corymbosa (A.Gray) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe cremea Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe diffusa (A.Cunn. ex DC.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe floribunda (DC.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe forrestii (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe frenchii (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe fuscescens (Turcz.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe gossypina Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe haigii (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe heterantha (Turcz.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe humboldtiana (Gaudich.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe laevis (A.Gray) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe manglesii Lindl.
- Rhodanthe maryonii (S.Moore) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe microglossa (Maiden & Betche) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe moschata (A.Cunn. ex DC.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe nullarborensis Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe oppositifolia (S.Moore) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe pollackii (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe polycephala (A.Gray) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe polygalifolia (DC.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe polyphylla (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe propinqua (W.Fitzg.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe psammophila Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe pygmaea (DC.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe rubella (A.Gray) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe rufescens Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe sphaerocephala Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe spicata (Steetz) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe sterilescens (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe stricta (Lindl.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe stuartiana (Sond. & F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe tietkensii (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe troedelii (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
- Rhodanthe uniflora (J.M.Black) Paul G.Wilson
Rhodanthe - Wikipedia
Rhodanthe, also known as sunray[3] or pink paper daisy, is a genus of Australian plants in the pussy's-toes tribe within the daisy family.[4][5] R. chlorocephala subsp. rosea The name Rhodanthe is derived from Greek rhodon, rose and anthos, flower. Many Rh
에서는 44 Species
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