
  • 브루클린목련 ‘옐로우 버드’-Magnolia brooklynensis 'Yellow Bird'
    식물/들꽃-목련과(Magnoliaceae) 2019. 3. 7. 14:08

    Magnolia brooklynensis 'Yellow Bird'

    Common Name: magnolia 
    Type: Tree
    Family: Magnoliaceae
    Zone: 4 to 8
    Height: 20.00 to 40.00 feet
    Spread: 10.00 to 25.00 feet
    Bloom Time: April
    Bloom Description: Yellow
    Sun: Full sun to part shade
    Water: Medium
    Maintenance: Low
    Suggested Use: Flowering Tree
    Flower: Showy


    Best grown in moist, slightly acidic, organically rich, well-drained loams in full sun to part shade. Site in locations protected from strong winds, but avoid southern exposures in full sun close to houses where buds and foliage may be induced to open too early in spring. Plants appreciate consistent and regular moisture throughout the year, and are generally intolerant of soil extremes (dry or wet). Mulch root zone. Plants are difficult to transplant once established in the landscape.


    Magnoliaceae (목련과)

    Magnolia (목련속)


    Magnolia brooklynensis 'Yellow Bird'

    브루클린목련 ‘옐로우 버드’




    Magnolia Honey Tulip

    Small, upright, deciduous tree, flowering in early spring with goblet shaped, pale golden yellow flowers, 10-15 cm wide. Begins to flower on bare wood, just prior to the emergence of the new foliage. Dark green leaves to 15 cm long.

    Bred in New Zealand (a Jury hybrid). The first yellow Magnolia with goblet-shaped flowers.

    Prefers a sunny position in any free-draining, neutral or slightly acid soil. Requires shelter from strong winds. No pruning required, except for maintaining a good shape if necessary. Generally no pest and disease problems. Frost-hardy (at least down to -15 deg Celsius).

    Magnolia 'Honey Tulip' is a stunning little tree, flowering from an early age. The flowers actually appeared more yellow in reality than they do in the photographs. This is like a yellow version of Magnolia 'Black Tulip'.

    작고 직립이며 낙엽수이며, 이른 봄에 꽃이 피고, 잔 모양, 은 황금색 노란색 꽃, 너비 10-15cm. 새로운 단풍이 출현하기 직전에 맨손으로 나무에 꽃을 피기 시작합니다. 짙은 녹색 잎은 길이 15cm까지 나옵니다. 뉴질랜드에서 자란다(배심원 잡종). 첫 번째 노란 목련은 잔 모양의 꽃이다. 자유 배수, 중성 또는 약간 산성인 토양에서 맑은 위치를 선호합니다. 강한 바람으로부터 피난처를 필요로 한다. 필요한 경우 좋은 모양을 유지하는 것을 제외하고는 가지 치기가 필요하지 않습니다. 일반적으로 해충이나 질병에 대한 문제는 없다. 서리 강건함(적어도 섭씨 섭씨 -15도까지). 매그놀리아 '허니 튤립'은 어린 시절부터 꽃이 피는 멋진 작은 나무이다. 꽃은 실제로 사진에서보다 더 노랗게 보였다. 이것은 마치 노란색 버전의 매그놀리아 '블랙 튤립'과 같습니다.

    A stunning addition to Magnolia collections and another introduction from breeders Felix and Mark Judy. It produce magnificent, 6 inch golden-honey, goblet-shaped flowers almost tulip-like, in early spring. Honey Tulip is an upright smaller tree growing to a height of 12 feet, making it suitable for smaller gardens or featured in a larger landscape plantings.

    매그놀리아 컬렉션에 대한 놀라운 추가 사항과 육종가 Felix와 Mark Judy의 또 다른 소개. 그것은 이른 봄에 거의 튤립 모양의 웅장한 6 인치 황금 - 꿀, 잔 모양의 꽃을 생산합니다. 꿀 튤립은 12 피트 높이까지 자라는 직립형 작은 나무로, 작은 정원에 적합하거나 더 큰 조경 재배에 적합합니다.

    Yellow Bird Magnolia

    Yellow Bird Magnolia is a deciduous tree with a distinctive and refined pyramidal form. Its relatively coarse texture can be used to stand it apart from other landscape plants with finer foliage.

    Bright canary yellow 3 1/2 inch flowers appear more dependably since they emerge with the foliage late in the spring after the danger of frosts. Plant as an accent or specimen.

    Talauma candollei

    “Yellow Bird” magnolia is a cross between magnolia acuminata and magnolia brooklynensis “Evamaria” from 1967. Yet that year it was suggested the best yellow cultivar so far. Well, a lot of time has passed and these days there are a few more girls to ask that honour that we could maybe organize a wrestling match among the current best yellows.

    Egg Magnolia=Magnolia liliifera
    Magnolia liliifera, commonly known as egg magnolia, is a flowering tree native to the Indomalaya ecozone. It bears white to cream-colored flowers on terminal stems. The leaves are elliptical and get as large as 10 inches long and 3 inches wide. The tree ranges in height of 12–60 feet in situ. Wikipedia

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